Moving to a farm in the country two years ago coincided with a new way of looking at the world. Part of the change was looking to nature for meaning, beauty, truth. Finding joy in simple, touchable, life-giving, cyclical routines.
I read a poem this morning by A.R. Ammons that says something about how I feel:
When I was young the silk
of my mind
hard as a peony head
and wind bloomed the parachute:
The air-head tugged me
tore my roots loose and drove
high, so high
I want to touch down now
and taste the ground
I want to take in
my silk
and ask where I am
before it is too late to know
Oh Ruth. This brings tears to my eyes. We got our "fix" at Sweet Honey last night and in a different way than what you're describing here, Perspective came. I'm also reading E. Tolle's The New Earth and feel this is all fitting together. Just yesterday Donica and I were talking about balance. So this post speaks to my heart along this same thread. Thank you, my dear! A good Sunday's sermon.
Your watchfulness is what it's all about. Listening, letting go, starting fresh. Time to fill up, it sounds like. How we need it!
Such good things we share.
i know i already told you this, but this photo is so amazing. it doesn't even look like it should be the farm. you're really developing a style. so nice.
Thank you, Les. It was such a beautiful sight, seeing the smoke pour out.
Enjoy the pictures as always, but i just noticed you posted Parabola. I love that magazine. They usually carry it at Borders down the street from me, but I noticed they don't have the new issue and I am concerned they have stopped carrying it!
I hope not. I love it so much. Don got a subscription for my birthday. The new issue has many pages of Krishnamurti, which would be a great way to start reading his stuff!
Actually, Rachel, this poem by AR Ammons is in the new Parabola too.
this is such a gorgeous photo in so many ways ...
(happy half-birthday today!)
Thanks, Chris, for the pic comment and the half-birthday wishes! I must say the latter never occurred to me!
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