I am a second-rate wife. I went to NYC without Don, visited our daughter and her husband, lived large, and all I brought home to The Most Interesting Man in the World was this t-shirt from the Laguardia airport gift shop for losers like me who didn't purchase a more $ignificant gift on 5th Avenue. Don really is very interesting (ok, stupid understatement, there is nothing the man has not attempted to do in his lifetime), but calling him The Most Interesting Man in the World is what our son started, because Don resembles the man from the Dos Equis XX beer ads. If you go to that link in the last sentence, you can watch videos of the ads. I ♥ them. The narrator makes statements about The Most Interesting man, such as,XX His charm is so contagious, vaccines have been created for it.
XX He is the only man to ever ace the Rorschach test.
XX Alien abductors have asked him to probe them.
XX Even his enemies list him as their emergency contact number.
To illustrate the resemblance, Don is here in the top photo, below, at Lesley & Brian's wedding last summer, and the other World's Most Interesting Man below him. (The actor is Jonathan Goldsmith, but he looks a little like another interesting man, Maximilian Schell, don't you think?)
The police often question him, just because they find him interesting.
"Stay thirsty, my friends."
Maximilian Schell: "It's your most endearing quality." - Topkapi
But the real point of this post was supposed to be an even more successful ad campaign.
I ♥ N Y
Maybe I am not such a big loser for buying Don this t-shirt, because after I got back from NY I started following the Sartorialist blog, which is chic and cool, and he posted a pic of a trendy guy in a I♥NY t-shirt in his May 21 post on Moscow Men. Basically I don't think this tourism promo logo has gone out of style ever since it was created by Milton Glaser for the failing, flailing state of NY in 1977. I started wondering if I♥NY was the start of the whole "I ♥" thing. It was. Thanks to Google I found other stuff:
♥ This logo is a rebus. A rebus is a word puzzle using pictures to represent words, or parts of words. It was gr8 to find that out.
♥ The type face is a slab serif called American Typewriter. Is that the same as courier?
♥ Milton Glaser also designed the famous psychedelic Bob Dylan poster for CBS records in 1966.
♥ Milton Glaser co-founded New York Magazine with Clay Felker in 1968.
♥ The Director of the New York Department of Commerce, William S. Doyle hired ad agency Wells Rich Greene to help rejuvenate New York's damaged image in 1977. But then, Doyle got the great designer Milton Glaser to design the logo, which he didn't think was any big deal, and he did it for free. We're talking about maybe the most successful and imitated logo in the history of advertising.
♥ The state of New York is currently in such a crisis financially that they are begging ad agencies for free 30-second ads to rekindle the I LOVE NEW YORK campaign.
♥ Milton Glaser modified the logo after 9/11, like this:
Question: When you see I ♥ N Y do you say "I love NY" ? Or do you say "I heart NY"? I say "I love NY".
The Most Interesting Man in the World does not love NY, or heart NY. He might feel relatively neutral about NY. In fact, it's probably more like -

Info found at:
Gotham Gazette
Don't feel bad about leaving your husband and travel. I have been doing it with my kids. I have long school holidays, and my husband hasn't. So often I take the kids and visit family.
Guess what happened this last summer which became our family joke? daddy burst the house down. He tried to fry some rice, and for some only his engineering brain, he heated the hot plate and then the wok. When he poured some oil, the oil burst into flame.
He cleaned up before we came back of course.
I say I love NY. I've never been but I'd definitely be picking up one of those shirts.
Your husband does look so much like the most interesting man in the world...
I ♥ your post! Very interesting facts! Very interesting man!
I say, "I Love New York".
After this, I'd really like to meet your husband.
It's I lurve NY - my husband went to NY earlier this year and left his two women behind (wife and daughter) we didn't even get a t-shirt! To be fair he was working v hard and it was a lightening trip so no time for sightseeing or shopping. Your husband does bear a remarkable resembles to both! Only wish that London could come up with a similar logo
I SAY, "I love New York," but in my head I think, "I heart New York." So, some self-editing going on there...
Wow - that resemblance is uncanny! I'll have to share this with Dr. M - we really enjoy the commercials. Our favorite is the one where the narrator says, "His mother has a tattoo that says 'son.'" Heh.
gotta say Ruthie, this is one interesting segue. I say "love". do not like the "heart" word. so phoney.
Clever Pup posted Glaser's famous Bob Dylan poster on her site today.
must be a Glaser day, eh?
btw, regardless of the Dos Equis "Most Interesting Man in the World" campaign (yes, your husband looks like THAT guy as well as Schell) do you buy the beer?
That's the sign of a successful campaign!
Wow! Don really IS the dos XX man!!
That was a really informative post! Oh, and I say "I love NY," too.
I love New York and like to drink Dos Equis beer too. Your husband sure looks like The Man. The Swiss actor, Maximilian Schell has been my favorite for a long time. I like bearded men – my husband has one now. Fun and informative post, Ruth.
It makes total sense that NY would love the most interesting man in the world...since the rest of the world does, too. I say 'love' but we all understand 'heart' too, I'm sure. How fun, Ruth. I think you totally made up. :)
Well, I obviously don't say either, but I read it as "I love New York" Does that count?
Hubby is one ruggedly handsome man ;)
I love those shirts too, and am determined to buy one....someday...when I leave this place. :)
I say, "I Heart New York".
And I think you should make a tshirt out of that last logo.
Ann, it's exactly like that. Don's and my vacations don't match. Also, he has a harder time leaving for long, since he has chickens to tend. :|
Oh dear! I'm glad the house didn't burn down!
NJ, hi!
I had only been to NY a couple of times before Lesley moved there. I don't know how long they'll be there, so I should go a couple more times soon, no?
We like to make up things about the Most Interesting Man. Like, bamboo asks him to stand in its midst to generate happiness. (I just made that up.)
Thank you, Shari! I'm glad you found it interesting♥
Yes, Barry, knowing you as I do, I have no doubt that he would like to meet you too.
Oh, I like that, Gwei Mui, I lurve NY. I think it's about time for a I ♥ N Y play, don' you? Or I ♥ London.
First, I LOVE New York. Not heart it.
Second, the most interesting man in the world that's local is very attractive!
Third, better a t-shirt than something he can't use, wear or like!
And when I say I LOVE New York, I mean both reading it and I really do!
Hi, Dana, hehe, I remember the first time I heard someone say "I heart NY" I went wha? :)
Here's another one:
His beard alone has experienced more than a lesser mans body.
California Girl, wow that's cool that Clever Pup posted about Glaser's Dylan poster! I ♥ when that happens.
Nope, we don't buy Dos Equis beer. Did you know Heineken imports it from Mexico? I don't drink much beer, but when I do, it's something wimpy like Corona Light. Except in Ireland, then it's stout.
Kanmuri, do you get the ads up there? Did you know, if the Most Interesting Man mailed a letter to you up there without postage, it would still get there?
Oh hi, Vagabonde, I already said the one, His beard alone has experienced more than a lesser mans body up in my comment to Dana. I remember Maximilian Schell, but I don't think I was paying much attention to him in movies. I can hear his voice though, like 5 minutes ago.
Did you know that His personality is so magnetic, he is unable to carry credit cards?
Boots, it's true that the whole world loves the most interesting man. But they don't just love him. He's like everyone's favorite person too.
Did you know, He speaks fluent French, in Russian?
Thank you, Babs, yes he's very handsome. And he's handy too. How did I luck out getting both?
Did you know, He once had an awkward moment, just to see how it felt?
Whatta guy. I left my husband to travel to the UK for 2 weeks last fall and plan to do it again the next chance I get. Meaning, we have different areas of interest in our travels, and still meet in the middle with family life & kids, etc. But I digress.
PS: I'm a huge fan of the Sartorialist blog, in fact, I plugged it over a year ago when no one was reading my blog. Maybe it's time to plug it again. I {heart} fashion, maybe as much as I {heart} NY. :)
Wesrey! Ha, you'll buy yourself a I ♥ N Y t-shirt at the Laguardia airport on your way out! :)
Tell me you don't say "I Heart New York"! :| That's almost as wrong as saying "I'm going to go lay down." Oh dear.
(Shhh, I like that idea about getting a shirt made.)
You will never get me to say it as I don't care for New York at all (although I understand lots of people feel it's the center of the universe). To each his/her own.
I do, however, love the Dos Equis ad which I just found out about yesterday. So clever!
P.S. My favorite is the one about how he once built a city out of blocks; now 6 million people live and work there. That could be true for Don, too!
Oh My! My blood does smell like cologne.
How did you do that last collage with the rooster? I want that Tee shirt...
No, no, no.
I think you'll find 'rebus' is a dour, Scottish hard man with a troubled but sensitive soul, who roots out villains on the mean and dirty streets of Edinburgh.
Don't be embarrassed - it's an easy mistake to make.
Hi, Jeanie! Don thanks you, but he doesn't think he's very attractive, he doesn't even think about it. (I think he does like this photo of him that Peter took, though.)
I shudder to think of what a person could spend on 5th Avenue. I didn't spend a nickel there, but I did window shop. So pretty.
Terresa, yes, it's a good freedom when you recognize that different interests drive you, and you're better off doing things apart for a while that you love. Next time Don and I go to NYC together, I'll go off to museums by myself, since he'd rather not. I went to Paris by myself for a week one year, and while I loved it, by about the 4th day in, I was lonely for someone to tell about my day at the end of each one. Thankfully I had my laptop, and I ended up in my studio apartment google-chatting with family and friends before sleep, which came very late thanks to jet lag.
Fashion is a lot of fun. Maybe you should start Fashion Fridays once in a while? :)
J.G., I get that, not caring for NY. Don is sort of like that too. So what I wrote about the Most Interesting Man feeling neutral about it is him, which isn't exactly the same as not caring for it, but.
Yes, that city out of blocks one cracked me up too! You're right too, that almost anything Don does is loved by all. His students cry when they miss school due to illness.
Farmer Don, you stinker, you weren't supposed to see that. Just forget about it.
Hope I don't get to smell your blood any time soon!
Oh, Letty, see, I don't know the Aussie dictionary, and even if you tell me, I forget.
(But I think that was a bloke named Rebus, wasn't it?)
I think if you did one of those computer photo-merging thingys with Don Equus guy and Maximillian Schell, it would BE Don! And he IS the most interesting man in the world. Definitely must make the last one into a one-of-a-kind t-shirt for him, because he's a one-of-a-kind kind of guy! Whew! I'm dizzy now.
I'm a "I love NY" kind of girl.
On a veri weird note:
My veri word sounds like a cross between colonoscopy and colossus...colopsos! haha
Forgot to say that your new header is gah-geous!!! Love those colors!
Definitely I 'love' NY. Funny how that slogan and image is burned in my brain. Wonderful marketing...eh??
And - interesting tidbits of information. Y'never can tell what one thing will lead to another....
"I love NY." Absolutely. They used to run commercials of "randomly" chosen famous folk to sing "I Love New York"...
As for the t-shirt, it's great. Imagine if you had bought The Most Interesting Man in the World one that said My Wife went to NY and all I got was this Lousy T-Shirt. ;)
Simon and Garfunkel songs introduced me to the charming and harsh life in New York city Ruth. Would it be wrong if i say that New York is the capital of world music ?
it looked like Don is smoking a cigar, its a wireless mic i think.
With shorter hair Maximilian Schell would look like Don. i remember Melina Mercouri in the movie who was later given a government post of cultural affairs.
Most recent NY movie i have seen is 'Serendipity' a romantic comedy, Brother Cusack and Kate Beckinsale. i loved Jack Lemmon's out of towners more than Steve Martin - Goldie Hawn's
Steve Martin comes up with a campaign slogan after a rough night ONLY IN NEW YORK
The text graphics is fabulous Ruth.
i wrote a comment yesterday but before i could post it the power went off.
Sorry Ruth, I have been away and too busy lately to watch and possibly comment on other blogs!
Now I made the tour of NYC thanks to you! Yes, I love NY and defintiely so (but of course also a lot of other places)!
Thank you, Susie Q! I love your comment, your weird veri, and you loving the new header. Your unfailing love and support is an unending source of joy. Many many xoxoxox, my friend.
Hi, Marcie, thank you. Necessity is the mother of invention. And sometimes mistakes. Sometimes people have big plans that never bear fruit. Sometimes an odd little something explodes. CRAZY!
Dear DS, I thought of that very thing myself. :)
Oh rauf, yes. Was their music in Midnight Cowboy? I remember Harry Nillson in it. I don't know enough about music to know if what you say is true, that NY is the capital of world music, could be. I would have to ask you, Loring, João, and Lorenzo to discuss and get back to me. So I believe you, without discussion.
Nope, not a mic, rauf, it's a cigar, right the first time. A rare moment with the best man from our wedding, Dennis.
Oh, did I already tell you? When Lesley and I went to Central Park and found The Mall, you know, that wide beautiful paved path lined with trees that is in a lot of movies (like Maid in Manhattan), where I had hoped to take pictures with my Holga camera, it was lined with signs left from some rally. It was not photogenic, although maybe if there had been no people mobbing the place, it might have been interesting to see that long row of white signs. That part of the park, and Bethesda Fountain (which was also covered in scaffolding) and Bow Bridge are much photographed and cinematographed. (Is that a word?)
Sorry about word verification, rauf. I get too much spam if I don't keep it. Bleh.
Peter, please don't apologize, I know you have been busy and traveling some time too. You are my dear faithful friend.
I am astonished at your city in today's post, Elysian fields indeed! Paris keeps on creating new innovations that are memorable. You are so good to document them for us!
I thoroughly enjoyed this post, but then again, you know how I feel about Don.
And I'm sorry to say it, since I know how you feel about it, but I say, "I heart NY." Mostly because I don't really love New York. (I've only been there once, and it wasn't love at first sight.) But also because I'm not a huge fan of those shirts, so I guess by saying heart I think I am somehow poking fun at them a little. BUT, when the most interesting man in the world wears it, even that shirt looks interesting.
Your Don is one handsome brute and I'm glad his blood doesn't smell like beer. My daughter wants to know if he can do the accent.
Wonderful, romantic new header. What are the flowers on the left? At first I thought they were hydrangeas but I now I don't think so.
I definitely say I love NY and I really do.
I miss our twice yearly trips for work. There was so much we never got to see but what we did we fell for completley.
You have one HUNK of a husband Ruth!!!
Tracy, so you don't really heart NY, but you heart Don. That's good. :)
Dutchbaby, tell your daughter, Of course he can! :)
I'm glad you like the header, thank you. The flowers are pelargonium/geraniums.
Thank you, Sue, yes, he is gorgeous!
Oh I had so much fun reading this!...and I definitely say I Love NY...and I would love to know how everyone is typing a heart...and Don is amazingly the most interesting man in the world!
I ♥ synchronizing....
I learned how to do it:)
Oliag - you GO! :)
BTW, I used to do it with the character map on my PC. But now with a Mac, I have to find it other places, like in picnik.com at their graphics. Or I just copy and paste it from where someone else typed it. :)
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