Last Saturday we went to the Cass Cafe where we hung out with Lesley. It's a bohemian place with original art for sale on the walls, yummy food with a spicy twist, my first authentic cherry coke with grenadine syrup (I know, I'm a loser never to have had the real thing).
Click on photo to see the RED in the bottom of the glass better.
Lesley told me I needed to visit the bathroom just to see the door latch, which is about ten times bigger than a normal door latch. You can see my 18-inch bag hanging on it, below. Strange proportions and perspective, eh?

This is another view in the women's stall. (I hope I didn't leave anything lewd in the photo, besides the fact of a photo in a bathroom stall itself being a bit lewd.)
This is in the men's stall (thanks, Don). This blows me away! It looks like a painting. Now who do you suppose took the time?
I love graffiti as an art form, in the right place. I'm glad Cass Cafe doesn't remove theirs.
Don't you love the artistic writing you see on trains and on the sides of buildings in certain cities? Not all of it is view-enhancing, obviously. But it's another instance where perspective matters.
Here's a site for trying out your name (or whatever) in a graffiti font.
Here's a great (if annoying at times) site for worldwide graffiti as art.
I just LOVE graffiti, Ruth, when it is artfully done. In fact, some places are learning that instead of fighting it, they can "get with it" by encouraging competition, which invariable leads to better art.
blogger not too long ago elicited quite a conversation about carved graffiti on trees, and I was reminded of Nelson's proclamation of love to Peggy when he was young...and how when that tree was cut down for the church renovation, someone found the branch and presented it to him. Actually, I think it made that tree quite happy. A tree tattoo :)
Anyway, you are right. There are places where graffiti is part of the ethos!
It reminds me of Gino's East Pizzeria (original location, not the "made-to-look-like-the-original" residence it now has).
So I'm not sure...did you add your own art statement?
Ah, good question, Mrs M! No, I didn't, and I didn't even think of it to be honest! Maybe next time I'll leave my mark. I've never been much of a graffiti MAKER, just appreciator. :)
Ginnie: Just imagine all the marks left by humans through the ages!
Ruth, Your comment about "all the marks left by humans" made me think of the Caves of Mount St. Pieter in Maastricht, Netherlands. In these ancient caverns, graffiti is carved in the walls dating back to early times when groups of people used them to hide during times of war or siege. This isn't the best link but maybe I can get Boots to make a post on them. http://www.vvvmaastricht.nl/Dagjeuit/?lang=en
Oh my goodness, Donica! That's amazing. Hand tooled marks are so interesting to me.
I do enjoy graffiti. In fact, when I was teaching high school special ed, that's what I loved the most about my students! Seeing the incredible artistic talent they have. In order to encourage them to pursue it, I would ask them to write my name on the board. Students just love doing that for you! Sporting their graffiti and having someone appreciate it:)
Of course you did that, Rachel!
graffiti is so great. and it was all over milan! the only places i noticed it was really saturated was on the train tracks, but everywhere else it was only here and there.
i may have gotten some photos......
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