It's time to put some flowers round the room! I was stunned to see that synch-ro-ni-zing got Blog of Note Friday. Thank you to Blogger, and to all you nice people for visiting. Have a warm, cozy weekend.
Ruth, by looking at your profile you are 52 year-old? You really impress me that at your age you even know how to blog! Do you know my colleague who at your age are IT blinded which everything about computer is alien to them. You are amazing.
And now, I'm shock that you can even snap great picture like this beautiful flowers. Do you know that I love tulip a lot? I guess it's not too much for a guy to like flower. Right?
Beautiful flower and congrats for listed in Blog of Note Friday :)
Yes and no.....won't tell you the numbers, but I was happy with 30-50 a day, easy to manage, although I enjoy seeing the new creative folks and some young people from across the globe.
I try to be sure to contact so they realize we are not all terrible, hurtful, nasty people ; )
Boots! thank you to you. I owe a lot to you and rauf, who went before and have beautiful blogs, taught me so much, not just about blogs, about photography too.
I've had tulips on my mind too.I have also been having trouble with my laptop:( Were the flowers a present from blogger? If that's true,you deserve it, your blog is beautiful.
Much deserved kudoes, my friend! I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to their attention.
Interesting that someone would be amazed at your IT and photgraphy excellence at your ADVANCED age! Why, I must be an anomaly at my ancient age of 55! I suppose it won't be long before scientists flock to our doors to hack apart our brains to see what causes this phenomena! :D
Love the tulips! They appear to be growing in the snow.
It's early Saturday morning here in Texas, and we are expecting a bit of warming today - into the high 50s. Still a bit nippy for us. I love all your gorgeous snow images - my very best friend ever lives in the upper peninsula of Michigan & tells me constantly about the snow, but never takes a picture. I have no idea where you are in the state, but nonetheless, I'm storing your lovely images in my head to use as hers.
And PS - Tulips! Me too, please. I will have to buy some today. My favorite flower.
And ha about us old ones. Maybe it's true in other parts of the world that us old geezers aren't as much into computers, although I do know a lady in India who is 67 and surfs the Net.
Muy Buen Blog, espero que sigas asi ;) un saludo, y no te olvides de pasar por el mio asi le das una mirada y me das algun consejo para seguir avanzando ;) este es mi blog:
Congratulations for becoming a BLOG OF NOTE. I am not sure what is happening, maybe the planets are aligned a little differently to spotlight attention on some pretty awesome blogs!!! Every day brings a new surprise. I loved so many of your entries and some of the pictures are just, incredible. Thank you so much for creating this little oasis on the internet. I was in New York City yesterday and while I was riding the subway between appointments, I noticed a quotation by Sir Isaac Newton, which is so relevant to the spirit which is alive here in your pages. Hope you don't mind me using the opportunity to share it with you here: "I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst a great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." Thank you so much, for all that you do. Ralph Suarez
My Texas garden blog was singled out as Blog of Note a few days ago, and people coming from all around the world has been fun for me, too.
I've seen your name in comments when I returned the visits and have been enjoying your stunning blog. It's interesting that you also experienced a spam-storm. I also had to turn on word verification and wondered if the spam was a coincidence or connected.
May cardinals linger & play outside your photographer's tent!
Congratulations on being Blog of Note. I am just down the road from you in Fowlerville and have posted some similar pics of this weather -- hasn't this weather been gorgeous!?!
Your site is beautiful with all of the artwork, etc. I'm happy it has been recognized and I'll plan on coming back. :)
Ralph, you are incredibly kind and and thoughtful. Yes, Newton's quote feels perfect. Thank you for taking time to leave this. Your Arabians at your blog, and your blog itself, are full of life too.
Dakota Bear, oh I'm so glad to hear that you are 68 and blogging. I think this connection with the world keeps us young and flexible. I hope it will be warming up in the next few days, but I'm not quite ready for spring. I'll be ready when it gets here though!
congratulations Ruth... I love those red tulips against the snow.."I'm 52, learning to be a girl"? ur blog is so beautiful... I love it :)nature at its best..
Well, howdy Meryl Neighbor! That's great. Yes, it's been incredibly beautiful, and I wish it wasn't quite so cold so I could venture out for more pictures.
thanks to you for visiting my blog and for your kind comment :) keep dropping in... nothing will stop me now from visiting yours...great weekend to you!!
This is anticipated. As I go through the blog, I got your imagination, creativity is remarkable. I wish my congaratulations to you, your work....Keep going
beautiful photos!! hello from a fellow northlander (MN) and Yooper visitor! we go to the UP twice a year for hiking and michigan!! congrats on blog of note!
I know, I know, I'm nuts. I could have just said, "thank you everyone" but I just couldn't! For me this blog is all about the people and the conversation, so I'm gonna get through this. I think it will taper off soon. Thing is, getting Blog of Note on Friday means it's visible for 3 DAYS!
I have absolutely no idea how they choose Blog of Note. They choose one a day, Monday-Friday. I suddenly began receiving comments about it, that's how I found out. Maybe someone sits and clicks on "next blog" all day until they find one they take notes about. :)
I'm very proud of you but not surprised at all, even me and my weak English, I'm able to see your blog is all expected an ordinary one. But now you are famous, will you still come to visit me???
Thanks, Loring, quite the to-do, and on the weekend too. Our little synchronizing has had some extra visitors, but I suspect it will taper off in a few days.
Hi Ruth, I didn't want to burden you with more comments - but I had to after reading these messages, getting to the end ... and seeing the word verification: rythm (missing an 'n')
Congratulations! :-)
Thanks for the comment.
I see you are another one of those charming, thoughtful, brainy Leos.
Congratulations on BON and great photos.
It was nasty cold down here the past few days too ; (
Ruth, by looking at your profile you are 52 year-old? You really impress me that at your age you even know how to blog! Do you know my colleague who at your age are IT blinded which everything about computer is alien to them. You are amazing.
And now, I'm shock that you can even snap great picture like this beautiful flowers. Do you know that I love tulip a lot? I guess it's not too much for a guy to like flower. Right?
Beautiful flower and congrats for listed in Blog of Note Friday :)
Yes and no.....won't tell you the numbers, but I was happy with 30-50 a day, easy to manage, although I enjoy seeing the new creative folks and some young people from across the globe.
I try to be sure to contact so they realize we are not all terrible, hurtful, nasty people ; )
C U ; )
The previous comment is pretty good.
Guess I'm ancient compared to U = 54
Beautiful picture. Nice contrast between the red and the snow! Congrats on your blog of note nomination^^
i think i have grown 2 inches taller since last night Ruth.
LOL at Rauf. That's sweet to say from someone who is excited for and proud of you! Congratulations, sister!
Thanks, Kathy! And thank you also for the post about the peanut-salmonella outbreak, I've been a bit out of it.
Montag, not necessarily. I just want you to think I am.
Coffee Messiah, ok, good, I can handle that I think. Yes, I like to visit visitors, otherwise I get a hollow feeling wondering who they are!
Oh, that's nice Faisal. I think it helps having two kids in their 20s, who keep us young.
Glad you like tulips, me too! Why shouldn't a man like flowers?
Thank you again!
Thank you, Kanmuri. I see we are flickr contacts now. I look forward to browsing your photographs.
EEEEEEEEEEE, rauf! das good.
Boots! thank you to you. I owe a lot to you and rauf, who went before and have beautiful blogs, taught me so much, not just about blogs, about photography too.
I've had tulips on my mind too.I have also been having trouble with my laptop:( Were the flowers a present from blogger? If that's true,you deserve it, your blog is beautiful.
Much deserved kudoes, my friend! I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to their attention.
Interesting that someone would be amazed at your IT and photgraphy excellence at your ADVANCED age! Why, I must be an anomaly at my ancient age of 55! I suppose it won't be long before scientists flock to our doors to hack apart our brains to see what causes this phenomena! :D
Love the tulips! They appear to be growing in the snow.
I guess faisai would be even more shocked at my age then. I can give you a decade ha ha!
Ruth, you are just fabulous. Your photos are just the bomb!
It's early Saturday morning here in Texas, and we are expecting a bit of warming today - into the high 50s. Still a bit nippy for us. I love all your gorgeous snow images - my very best friend ever lives in the upper peninsula of Michigan & tells me constantly about the snow, but never takes a picture. I have no idea where you are in the state, but nonetheless, I'm storing your lovely images in my head to use as hers.
And PS - Tulips! Me too, please. I will have to buy some today. My favorite flower.
:) Debi
Gorgeous! Congratulations on your Blogs of Note status.
Congratulations! :)
oh my what a lovely contrast. Spring flowers against winter scenery. Fantastic!
your photos, they're so co-co-co-cold... :p warm greetings from the Philippines!
Congratulations on the Blog of Note! You have a very nice blog here and I enjoyed the visit. Love the photos! ~mel
Hi Cathy! Actually, these tulips were from a couple years ago, and I brought them out today for the occasion. Thank you, my friend.
Susan, Susan, Susan, this is crazy, right?
And ha about us old ones. Maybe it's true in other parts of the world that us old geezers aren't as much into computers, although I do know a lady in India who is 67 and surfs the Net.
Thank you, dear Babs! And here I thought you were younger than me. I will be more deferential now. :D
Thank you, Evans! Keep up the writing.
Hi Marco, nice images at your place.
Hi there Smith. Yes, that's a bit chilly for Texas. The whole country has been in upheaval.
Could you read my tulips, please?
Sorry, I should have called you "Debi." :)
Thank you, Melissa. Your holiday blog is so cool!
Sharon . . . where you been ole bean? Miss you. Thank you. :) Hope you and the hole in the wall gang are staying warm. Hugs to Hanging Horn and Zoe.
NJ, even us in cold parts can have flowers inside, thankfully.
Hi, Reyjr, thank you for the Asian warmth! And coffee over at your place too.
Hiya, Baitlady. Thanks, and stay warm over there across the lake.
.....i invite you to join globalove think tank.
I love your photo of the tulips and snow... thank you for sharing so freely! Have a wonderful Saturday.
Congratulations Ruth! I was going to say that I guess you won't have time to respond to everyone now - but it looks like you still are!
BTW - 52 is still very young and hip in my opinion!
Love the tulips...
Muy Buen Blog, espero que sigas asi ;) un saludo, y no te olvides de pasar por el mio asi le das una mirada y me das algun consejo para seguir avanzando ;) este es mi blog:
Some fantastic photography on this blog, very artistic and colourful!
Well you definitely deserve it and probably the pink ice, tipped you over the top!!
beautiful tulips, I love this photo.
Congratulations for becoming a BLOG OF NOTE. I am not sure what is happening, maybe the planets are aligned a little differently to spotlight attention on some pretty awesome blogs!!! Every day brings a new surprise. I loved so many of your entries and some of the pictures are just, incredible. Thank you so much for creating this little oasis on the internet. I was in New York City yesterday and while I was riding the subway between appointments, I noticed a quotation by Sir Isaac Newton, which is so relevant to the spirit which is alive here in your pages. Hope you don't mind me using the opportunity to share it with you here: "I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst a great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."
Thank you so much, for all that you do.
Ralph Suarez
I love your photos. Thank you for sharing them with us.
I love tulips and the picture is apropo. The temperature here in my part of CT was -7F this morning. Spring is coming.
Age is in the mind. I'll be 68 in June and I love all things mechanical, must be the analytical mind.
Thank you for stopping by my blog.
Hello Ruth,
My Texas garden blog was singled out as Blog of Note a few days ago, and people coming from all around the world has been fun for me, too.
I've seen your name in comments when I returned the visits and have been enjoying your stunning blog. It's interesting that you also experienced a spam-storm. I also had to turn on word verification and wondered if the spam was a coincidence or connected.
May cardinals linger & play outside your photographer's tent!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Congratulations on being Blog of Note. I am just down the road from you in Fowlerville and have posted some similar pics of this weather -- hasn't this weather been gorgeous!?!
Your site is beautiful with all of the artwork, etc. I'm happy it has been recognized and I'll plan on coming back. :)
Ralph, you are incredibly kind and and thoughtful. Yes, Newton's quote feels perfect. Thank you for taking time to leave this. Your Arabians at your blog, and your blog itself, are full of life too.
Thank you, Rachete. It's the nature around me that is worthy.
Dakota Bear, oh I'm so glad to hear that you are 68 and blogging. I think this connection with the world keeps us young and flexible. I hope it will be warming up in the next few days, but I'm not quite ready for spring. I'll be ready when it gets here though!
Yes, Annie, I remember seeing the Transplantable Rose in BON a few days ago, and I was so happy to see all the flowers growing in Texas.
Thank you for your wish for cardinals, I have to get out there and scatter some seed, thanks for reminding me.
congratulations Ruth... I love those red tulips against the snow.."I'm 52, learning to be a girl"? ur blog is so beautiful... I love it :)nature at its best..
Well, howdy Meryl Neighbor! That's great. Yes, it's been incredibly beautiful, and I wish it wasn't quite so cold so I could venture out for more pictures.
Ah, Viji, hello, welcome to the hubbub at synchronizing! Thank you for taking time to comment and be so kind.
Nice work!!!
Congratulations and really, really beautiful work!
thanks to you for visiting my blog and for your kind comment :) keep dropping in...
nothing will stop me now from visiting yours...great weekend to you!!
This is anticipated. As I go through the blog, I got your imagination, creativity is remarkable. I wish my congaratulations to you, your work....Keep going
beautiful photos!! hello from a fellow northlander (MN) and Yooper visitor! we go to the UP twice a year for hiking and michigan!! congrats on blog of note!
Your blog is just full of beautiful photography! I love your outlook on the world.
I can see why they did. Beautiful shots on here! Keep it up!
Oberon, yes, I'll do it! I emailed you. What a cool think tank you have going there.
Good, Missy D, I'm glad. You are welcome.
Thanks, Oliag!
I know, I know, I'm nuts. I could have just said, "thank you everyone" but I just couldn't! For me this blog is all about the people and the conversation, so I'm gonna get through this. I think it will taper off soon. Thing is, getting Blog of Note on Friday means it's visible for 3 DAYS!
Gracias, Ubercracker!
I appreciate it, Ian. Good thoughtful blogs you've got.
Ah, my dear Sandy, thank you.
I appreciate it, SRG.
Congratulations - your pictures are beautiful.
SilkDancer, I'm pretty touched right now by the work you're doing - mothering and dancing and dyeing.
You're welcome, Viji. Glad to meet you.
Hi, Bhavya, the yellow at your blog has lifted my spirits. Thank you.
J and Z, welcome! You must be cold, but enjoying the beauty of winter too I hope. You have a very pretty blog, you make beautiful art.
Hi there Smalltown Girl. Welcome to blogland, I hope you enjoy yours. Keep at it, and keep visiting, and you'll find a nice community.
Thanks, Greg, I will. :)
Hi Trudi, thank you.
Love your photos...very serene! And congrats with the blog of note! You just got another follower!
CONGRATS! on being the "Blog of Note'
Your pictures rock!
Congratulations! Wow, is this ever well deserved! This is wonderful news!
Be one with the Fro, serene sounds good right now. Thank you so much.
Thank you for coming over and showing me some love! Yes, its definitely going to be a great week! I can't wait!
My S.T.U.F.F., you have one cool rockin blog actually. Thank you, pink lady.
Hey there, Barry! I recognize you! You know how this feels. :)
Thanks, Tino.
very nice picture too
Hi there how are you? I was looking through your blog and found it interesting and wanted to leave you a comment.
I have an invitation for you to come and visit my art blog here in San Diego, and comment if you will.
I think that you may enjoy the various labels and music videos I design for my art blog, hope to see you here soon and take care :)
beautiful blog, congrats on the notoriety neighbor :)
A bunch of beautiful flowers, little sun rays...wonderful.. what else I need ?
A pleasant excursion into a place crackling with starry ice.
Congrats...quite an accomplishment!
Congratulations for being a blog of note. I am glad I clicked on it and found this blog. It's absolutely lovely.
wow - congratulations on that! This is a Blog of Note!
Love the tulips.
hey, how was that achieved.. do reply pl...
n hey m a gal, 21 bombay.. can v be friends.. m indian,,,
Thanks, Jesse. That was nice over at your place. You have a very healthy and creative worldview.
Ah, thank you, Missy. It's a treat to meet nice people like you through this notoriety.
Humanobserver, the sun's rays do make it feel warmer. Thankfully it is actually a little warmer outside too.
Thanks, Sylvester. Them's beautiful words.
Thanks a bunch, Coachdad.
Ah, thank you, Sara, your crafty blog is a comfort.
Drowsey, you know, you are always note-worthy. Thanks, bud.
Hello, welcome to Michigan, Monica.
I have absolutely no idea how they choose Blog of Note. They choose one a day, Monday-Friday. I suddenly began receiving comments about it, that's how I found out. Maybe someone sits and clicks on "next blog" all day until they find one they take notes about. :)
Congratulations on your much deserved award, beautiful pic Ruth.
I'm very proud of you but not surprised at all, even me and my weak English, I'm able to see your blog is all expected an ordinary one.
But now you are famous, will you still come to visit me???
Yay! I've been off any online trolling this weekend and missed it entirely! Bubble-gum cigars for the crowd!
Hey there, Bob! Thanks a bunch.
Dear Alice, hehe! Sweet Alice, we have been friends a long time, I will always come visit you!
Thanks, Loring, quite the to-do, and on the weekend too. Our little synchronizing has had some extra visitors, but I suspect it will taper off in a few days.
Hi Ruth, I didn't want to burden you with more comments - but I had to after reading these messages, getting to the end ... and seeing the word verification: rythm (missing an 'n')
and I like the idea of being 112th in line.
Dear Sanna, I'm so glad you did leave a comment. I need the connection with my friends.
Congratulations! Beautiful blog you have here!
Congratulations! That's got to be exciting!!
Congratulations on BON. Your blog is fantastic.
Hi there Miss Jen. Thank you! I like your pretty pink stripes too.
Morgan, it's a thrill! Thank you.
JayneDoh, thank you very much for taking time to say that.
lovely photos
nice photos!
Warmly welcome to visit
Oil painting
Oil paintings
Thank you, Mercedes. Good luck with your new blog.
Thank you, Painting. Keep up the art writing.
Thanks, andtheniknew. The idea for your blog is very cool.
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