
Friday, March 14, 2008



road - - - - - - - - - residue

spring - - - - - - - knee-deep

human - - - - - - - exchange

today - - - - - - - - taste

speaking - - - - - concepts

escape - - - - - - - road

Listen to Jack Kerouac read from On the Road:


Anonymous said...

I love the picture, the colors are so rich...the reflection very well caught in the water, have a great weekend ruth.

Ginnie Hart said...

Is this the road less traveled, Ruth?

Bob Johnson said...

Ruth, love the picture, love the detail and colors.

Never heard of Jack Kerouac, such a sad story, the way his life ended. Like the video with the reading and jazz music.

Anonymous said...

I tried to read Jack Kerouac when I was about 18 without much success.
You've prompted me to take him out of the bookcase and give him another go.
I wonder how he will look to me 22 years later.

Ruth said...

Good question, Boots.

Ruth said...

Thank you, Astrid. The fields don't quite know what to do with all the melting snow.

Ruth said...

Bob, Kerouac is seeing a resurgance of interest in the current generation of young people. I might as well be one of them, since I didn't read him the first time round.

Ruth said...

Letitia, I understand that. Just reading On the Road for the first time.

Don said...

road - tar bubbles

spring - daffodils

human - err

today - hope

speaking - friends

escape - road

These came into my mind as I read yours. Not nearly as cerebral!

Ruth said...

Don, I don't see mine as cerebral, or yours as not cerebral. If anything, this post is about not being cerebral. I wanted to express the desire to BE and LIVE, and not just talk about it.

Benjamin said...

Hi Ruth. Lovely to hear his voice. I picked up a book a week or two back. Called 'Beat Poets', this pretty slim volume that my sister bought my mum as a present, sorta classy in a sorta tacky commercial way. And I picked it up and I read Jack's 'Belief & Techniques for Modern Prose', a list of some thirty essentials, including...

29. You're a Genius all the time

I hope you enjoyed the Belle & Sebastian, at least a little. A sly wink to say 'Sorry I lost touch' the way bloggers can and do. Peace and fine blessings x Ben.

Anonymous said...

i actually saw this at the time
and i have always wanted to hear it again
i could not remember the guys name who played the piano as Kerouac stood a read from the book - just published
the piano player was also the interviewer

but never the less finding it on your blog was a real treat
like what you have done here
hope you are well

recently returned home
spent over a month in Athens after taking the the train from Istanbul took the fiery home -

Ruth said...

Dear Jack, how nice to see your name here, and a surprise. What a treat to be there when another Jack read from The Road, one of our great cultural moments.

So you are back from Athens, after staying in my beloved Istanbul. I hope you are well too and that no one threw any rocks at you in Athens.