Get ready for a long post. But it's mostly pictures. It's called a Mysery Tour because it visits ancient sites that we can only guess about some of the meanings behind what's been found.
Three small buses took us to five historical/sacred sites within a short distance of Dublin today. Isn't this bus cute?
Aeman drove my bus, and he was an excellent guide with lots of interesting historical facts and stories to tell. He and another one of the drivers speak Irish/Gaelic. It's so beautiful when they speak it, quite poetic. No, we couldn't understand it, but they just recited some lovely song lyrics.

We stopped first at Fourknocks, where we took a group photo (photo after next) on top of the burial mound, which happens to be 5,000 years old. See the lady in the back row, third from the left, the one Glen is pointing at? She's not in our program. We're calling her the mystery lady.

Yes, that's me in the group photo with the only runaway hair of the bunch. What's up with that? Local magnetism? No one else's seems to be blowing in the wind.

By this second stop I had managed to calm my hair down, plus it was raining.

Third was Monasterboice, known for its amazing collection of Celtic crosses.

Fourth, it was the Hill of Slane with its panoramic view, statue of St. Patrick, and climb-able ruins. It was here that St. Patrick lit the first paschal fires to defy the nearby Celtic kings at Tara.

It was hard to leave my tree parents today.
rauf, you said it.
I don't think a person knows this until he/she feels it, from inside. It is not head knowledge, even though we can think of it as true. It is heart knowledge.
I know you're in paradise, Ruth, when you are in these places. I told Donica yesterday, and then again just now (she's working from home today!), that we need to go to Ireland together. She has been several times without me and I was there too long ago. Next time, we will go together, maybe next year!
Ginnie/Boots, so glad you and Donica will go together and share this fair isle. I become more attached to it with each visit.
Gee you have a nice face, Ruth.
There is a book by Peter Carey called Bliss - at the end of the book it has the most beautiful description of dying - it encapsulates a lot of what Rauf was describing. Ever since I read it (when I was about 18) it tied me to the earth.
It's a wonderful book - I highly recommend it! (It's been made into a great movie too).
Freefalling, I need to read that book and see that movie. It's ringing a bell too, like I've heard about it before, but not this directly. Thank you.
If there's anything I've learned in the past few years, it's that there's no difference between us, no boundaries, no "other."
Thanks for what you said about my face. Here's a smile for you. :)
SO enjoy seeing Ireland through your eyes Ruth ... I had a wonderful visit with my Mother, Sister and Auntie in the late 90's and did not want to return home ... it was a fantastic tour of the land ... seeing your view I realize just how much more there is waiting for me there one day ... our bus driver's name was Tommy O'Riley ... could listen to him talk all day long :)
~*~ Patty
Patty, the Irish accent is like a song. The life and personality that usually goes along with the voice makes being with the Irish a real joy.
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