I work on the second floor of Morrill Hall. These photos were taken on the first floor, where there is still old tile. I love how serene it feels on that floor, with the light reflected.
In this week of the longest day of the year, there has been a lot of light and shadow in extremes. The light is always there, sometimes more subtly than others. But it's always there.
And in the shadows, there is much to be explored.

As we learn more and more about photography, all these lights and shadows are becoming more and more important, aren't they! Great photos!
A wonderful interplay of light and shadow. It reminds me of an old hospital for some reason.
Hello Ruth,
I am browsing blogs today.
I searched what interests I have in common and your blog came up.
The connection was The Power Of Now.
I am enjoing your words and photographs and hope that you will visit me at my
I am new to blogging, but I noticed right away how exceptional your photograghs are.
Years ago I took photograghy at University, so I DO have an eye for these things.
So my questions are what kind of camera are you useing and is it digital and what setting?
Ginnie, yep, seeing it all with new eyes. Can't wait to talk with you about it in person.
DW, thank you. I can see the hospital image. That old institutional feel.
Heather, I think students either love Morrill Hall or dislike it intensely. I love it too. I think WE bring light to the shadows.
healing room, Thank you for stopping by! And thank you for your nice comment. I use an Olympus 500UZ and enjoy it thoroughly. I look forward to the day SLR cameras come down in price AND I save enough for one. I hope you'll visit again. I will check out your blog now . . .
Ruth I really love your blog. Your photographs are so interesting (and beautiful) and I enjoy seeing what your eye sees in Michigan (I miss it!). Irises and Morel mushrooms are two of my very favorite things. The poem you included in your Oxford/Harry Potter blog was lovely as well. You are officially bookmarked! I only wish I were back in EL to join you at the sappho table--thanks for sharing your eloquence.
Hey, Kierstyn! What a treat to have you visit! Now maybe I can get to know you better. You always seem so cool, and we have such fleeting moments when you visit Sapphos. Thank you for your very nice comments. I hope you and your family are thriving!
it is such an amazing building.
wasn't a movie filmed there once? i think so.....=)
you're inspiring me to bring my camera along with me now. i feel so silly for not wanting to take so many pictures while i've been here. starting right.....NOW!
thank you for being an inspiration. to so many.
i love you mammas.
Lesley, yes, at least one movie. Remember, the one you and I saw together by Bill Vincent? "Horror at Baxter U" or something? So funny it was! Very photogenic building. Glad you're taking pics! I LOVE the one of you on your myspace blog in the park. LOVE it.
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