One of the last of winter. We've been sitting here at our computers long enough.
Lean your head down under the apple tree, I don't want us to knock the pretty snow off. Oh, and I don't want you to bump your head either. Follow me toward the sun.

Oh, is that a deer? Or a giraffe? I think he might let us ride him through the woods.

Now we're in the meadow, which we call the Queens Bowl. Queen Anne's lace is wearing Winter Queen's lace. Oh, that's ok, you don't have to curtsy, I am only bowing to take their photograph.

These dangling seeds look out of sorts, I'd say. But my hands are getting cold, so I am out of sorts too.

Let's head back.Oh look, Rose's hips are wearing lace too. That sounds a bit racy, don't you think?

These dangling seeds look out of sorts, I'd say. But my hands are getting cold, so I am out of sorts too.

Hi there, Bishop. That spot in the sun looks inviting.

Good idea, let's go in and stretch out by the fire after our workout.
as usual beautiful photos and words to accompany them. took me to those days when I used to lie down on our terrace and decipher faces in the shapes of clouds. Thanks to internet,television I dont think my kids wud ever get that kinda idyllic hobbies.
Thank you so much, Ruth, for picking today to post such a lovely and inspiring post.
It is "do your taxes" day for me and I have been a bit overwhelmed for the past few days and have forgotten to appreciate the beauty around me.
It is a beautiful day (brrrr!) and once I am done at the tax lady's office, I intend to enjoy it.
Love your blog even if I have been just lurking.
Great to wake up, check Blogs I'm Following, and see your new photos and comments. I showed my husband the chicken photos. He loves Floozie. Me too. I love your cat.
We are going to take a drive today and have lunch somehwere. Thanks for reminding us to GET OUT!
Ah... Ruth, Thank you for the magical walk this morning, just what I needed! The giraffe, the queen dressed in her winter lace, Bishop waiting for our return. Just magical!!!
I felt so refreshed after reading your words and seeing the photos. It seemed as if I had actually walked out with you. You didn't find any extra footprints, did you?
The 'giraffe' pic is my favorite and the one of Bishop stretching is a very close second. Who can resist a patch of sunshine on a Winter's day?
I love the red table on the porch, and the old-fashioned screen door. And those side-panel curtains? Are those made from a vintage tablecloth? I love them.
Thanks for taking me on your walk. It's a pleasure to walk with such an observant and lyrical companion!
What a refreshing walk. Seeing a giraffe must have been such a thrill!
What a wonderful photo/text post...just like I was there! Reminds me of where I grew up in New England. Thanks for the moment.
Oh, I like the view from your window!! ;) Such a lovely walk, relaxing and invigorating at once.
But I didn't know there were giraffes in Michigan ;)
Absolutely wonderful photos! I'm enjoying the last beautiful weeks of winter here in Finland too.
Thank you for the walk.This may be one of my favorite posts,it took me there... The photos are splendid. I must admit I'm in love with the vintage curtains and cafe curtain combo. I love the porch with the Kitty, of course, but loook at how cool your farm house looks. Great red table and all that rustic charm. David and I were talking about moving and retiring,(still a few years away) my dream is to move into an old farm house on some land ,a lake or river would also be nice. I see myself selling antiques and David selling records out of the barn. We would do this as a hobby nothing too serious, that way he and I could go on collecting without any quilt.:)
Gorgeous pics, Ruth!! Your composition is beautiful!
Our son gave me the latest Annie Lebowitz book a couple of weeks ago...you might like it.
Can I ask...How do you get your pics to post so clearly?
I just got an SLR that takes great pics, but when I post them to CottageGirl, they appear fuzzy.
Any suggestions?
Spring is just around the corner, isn't it?
ooo what a lovely walk, ruth, i feel better and younger all ready!! your photos are a delight!! i shall miss the snow....
As usual beautiful, nay magical. Lol love Bishop stretching over the broom.
winters wardrobe...
watchful wandering...
wonderland walk...
warm wishes
What beautiful pictures :) LOVE the giraffe (I want it to be a giraffe) lol
Ruth,Thank you for that fairy tale walk in the woods.
Such a childlike imagination you have!
I wish I lived where it snowed like that. I don't and am jealous. The only thing is I hate the cold that comes with the snow. I love the pictures and your commentary. It was fun to read.
i saw the pictures, oh its a giraffe, i have to tell Ruth that it looks like a giraffe. Then i read your post and you saw that you have noticed it awreddy. EEEEEEEEEE
Yes you can bow here Ruth, but i would be upset if you bow to any queen, i don't mind if you bow to a chicken queen. Aaaha, those darling chicks are missing from this post. i think you have to add a couple of pictures here Ruth, bishop is in 2 pictures, looks neatly dressed for the camera.
I can feel the snow crunching under my feet. Thanks.
Wow I'm amazed at how much snow you have left. In the last week, much of the snow in Eastern Ontario has vacated. Except of course in my back yard and front field...just everywhere else it's gone. This post makes me want to drop by for a cup of tea!
I really like the red in your picture of Rose's hips! The red really pops!
Thank you for the beautiful winter walk :D
Thank you for the wonderful walk in snowy wonderland.
You have a beautiful cat.
These pictures and words are really comforts to me.
Beautiful nature.
Thank you.
Thank you for taking me with you on your walk. There really is nothing like a walk in the sun after a snow. You captured it beautifully. Once again, I am amazed...
I could feel my blood pressure dropping as I looked at your amazing photos. I will come back to this post in July when I'm missing the snow. Thank you.
Hi, Vicki! Why does it seem that we are always realizing it's tax time? It feels like it does not take a whole year for it to come around again. I am so lucky that Don takes care of ours on TurboTax.
I'm glad to know you are lurking.
California Girl, yay for getting out!
Floozie is something else. When I took that photo, I got down on the ground, and she was right up in my face. She is the most nosey of all the chickens.
Hi, Anet! Glad you came for a walk with me. It really wasn't cold, but my fingers get cold quickly. I think it must be I got a little frost bite when I was a kid skating on the frozen rink in Grand Ledge.
Susie Q, oh, were those your prints? I liked the tread.
Oh dear, the red table on the porch. We were lazy and didn't put it away for the winter. But I confess I like it there even so - not that we sit out there now! And there is something about the slam of a screen door on a farm, no?
Yes, good eye, I made the curtains from tablecloths that were my mom's. There's one for a sink skirt too. (Shhh, this is in the bathroom.)
Hi there, Laura. There is a lot to see out back. I never get tired of it. Glad you came along.
Thank you, yet another time... for wonderful photos! Give Bishop a chin scratching from me!
Judy in Iowa
Sanna, it was a thrill to see that the old apple tree that had fallen on her own a couple years back had grown into a giraffe. Just like Nature to offer a surprise.
Thanks for saying that, Ruth. Yours is amazing! I try to link to it when I can. Cheers!
What a journey! It seems that you live in paradise... My eyes and my soul really thank you for sharing these pictures.
I love the giraffe! I hope to see one in the wild this summer...
We have been relishing our much-needed rain here in California. The threat of water rationing was looming over us.
WOW Ruth, outdoors indoors! So you still have that lovely clean crisp snow? Does it stay like that all winter where you are?
This post is so musical and has a great rhythmn. Fantastic pictures. I love the snow-crowned "giraffe".
Hello there, Butler and Bagman. New England winters sound romantic, I've never lived there. Your Italy post makes me want to travel.
DS, sometimes when I feel lazy, it seems too much to go out in the cold, to put everything on and brace for it. But I don't remember a single walk that I wished I hadn't gone out, although sometimes I wished I'd come in sooner.
Helena, I've seen winter photos in Finland from Leena, and it always looks clean and bright (except in the midnight sun time).
Dear Cathy, I hope you can find your dream, it sounds like dreams Don and I had too, mostly about the antiques. We didn't dream long about a farm, it happened so quickly! We used to go camping because we lived in the city (Lansing) and we wanted to get away. We loved sitting in the woods. Then it dawned on us that maybe we should live away from the city. We thought it would take a year to find a place. It took 2 weeks, and this property invited us to take care of it (but it has taken care of us instead).
Thank you, Cottage Girl! I am trying harder to compose the shot I want to end up with, and not indiscriminately shoot and crop later. So thank you for that.
I enjoy Leibovitz very much, thank you for the recommendation. If it's the At Work volume, I think that would be interesting. We had a photo shoot here at the farm of our son's band, and what was fun to watch was what was happening outside the frame! I imagine that kind of thing would be in her book.
I looked at your beautiful pictures, and I see what you mean. The only guess is that they are saved at a size not suitable for uploading. What size do you save them for the blog?
Jean, I'm glad to hear you say you will miss the snow. I thought I was the only one.
Sounds like you are 'younging' - shrinking like me!
Hiya, Bob. Thank you for that.
Something about Bishop reminds me of the cliche of the witch, broom and cat with its back raised like hers.
Ah, Gwen, you are sWeet. Thank Woo.
Kathy, you just have to say "Be a giraffe."
Carl, thank you for the major compliment! That means I am learning to be a girl. Yippeeee!
Kayla, thems who don't have snow wishes they did, sometimes. I am very very glad we have it. But you should hear folks complain!
rauf, okay, I will post the chickies for yous soon.
Bishop has the thickest coat. If you felt it you would never worry about her getting too cold outdoors. On the coldest nights she stays on her warm (heating pad) bed in the garage all day. But mostly she is out in the winter. I think she loves it. She comes by when we're in the hot tub looking at stars, and when I scratch her neck I can't get to her skin!
Loring, thanks for walking along. But I bet I missed a lot of things you saw.
NJ, you'd be expected to come in after a cold walk.
Hello, HG, I was startled by the rosehips when I turned and saw them. Thank you, I do love them with the blue sky.
Thank you for coming, Kanmuri, you are a sport.
Dakota Bear, thank you for agreeing with us. We think Bishop is a queen and the most elegant creature.
Ah, Lilly, thank you, that is how I feel about Nature. I'm glad it came through.
Lahluna, even on the coldest days, the sun lifts my heart. Thankfully these days it is right around freezing (32F, 0C), so getting out is do-able and enjoyable.
Cori, ha, that's a good idea! When I need to cool off, maybe I'll come back too.
Cute little possum at your place.
Judy, I shall, from the hot tub tonight. I will tell her, 'this is from Judy in Iowa.' I'll let you know what she says.
Cabbage Babble, well that is right neighborly of you. Thank you, and cheers back at you!
MAXIMUS, I can't disagree with you. And I find that those of you who live where there is no snow especially find it appealing to look at.
Dutchbaby! I believe you! After reading your Galapagos Turtle post, my goodness. Your next adventure must be in Africa, oh man.
Oh, I'm glad you have rain, I hadn't heard about it. I've been in a cave I think, or on too many walks.
Hi, Delphine! The past few winters have been snow covered mostly. But I remember always having a couple of winter thaws growing up. The good thing about constant snows is that everything stays clean, as you say.
Sue, now I think we should have danced through the snow.
Ruth, Good morning from Queensland Australia. You have such an appealing blog - it is so well set out, easy to read, gentle on the eye, captivating photographs and interesting content matter but above all that there is something very wholesome and gentle about your posts and the way that you connect with people. This is reflected in the number of followers you have.
I shall add myself to the list and thank you for a wonderful slice of your world. Happy Days, Delwyn
Hey Ruth..
I had the setting on large and JPEG normal...
You think I should go to Medium and fine JPEG?
May I ask what you use?
On another note...
"At Work" is the title of her book.
I know her life is a bit controversial, but any way you look at it, considering all of the people she has worked with, people that we would definitely relate to being Baby Boomers, she has lived some life!
You are so sweet to try to help this old dog learn some new tricks!
I truly appreciate it!
...It was wonderful taking a walk with you today Ruth! Such gorgeous photos of the snow covered land...love them! Love your cute kitty too! I went for a walk here today...just dirty mostly melted snow scraps and mud...sleet and slush due tomorrow:(
It was nice to see around your place Ruth, as you know, I go on walks sometimes with my camera - it was nice to see you doing the same - I always love seeing the difference between our two countries flora, fauna and everything else!
Snow like this can be really beautiful and you have the gift to make it even more beautiful, in pictures and words!
Ah, Delwyn, those are some fine words, and I thank you with all my heart. It is nice to know you are with me. I hope the heat has subsided down there.
Hi, Jiqing, what said you?
Cottage Girl, I just save them around 800 x 600 size as JPEG at the highest quality. I don't know what else to suggest.
I don't know much about Leibovitz's life, now I'm curious!
Oliag, thank you for coming along. We too are headed into the mushy spring stuff, today is getting that way. But since it comes with warmer temps, it's welcome.
I know, Stiggy, I agree it's fun to compare our surroundings. It's a new world with a camera too, and lenses that send you out to experiment. All the subjects out there waiting to be caught in your own unique perspective. I love it!
Thank you, Peter, for your always kind words and support.
I am itching to see Paris again. Thankfully I can look through your blog.
Charming, fun, post with beautiful photos! Must have felt great to get outside and walk in all that beauty!!!
I've had a delightful stroll beside you, Ruth, but there were many people around...!
Bishop knows where the best place is!
Auntie Sandy, thank you, it was one of those perfect walks in snow when it was warm enough for most of it. Then I got cold at the end. Worth it though!
I see how you are, Alice. :D Yes, there were a lot of people around, wow. But they stayed very quiet, and I appreciate that.
You are wonderful! If I could, I'd take you to the nearest coffee shop and buy you a nice cup of tea and a blueberry scone!
The pics are so much better! Yeah!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
i love to looks your picture..specially for the cat..
can i borrow you cat..
Can I see a little a springlike light in your photos :)
Your sun is higher as our sun, but we are going too toward a spring.
Nice time to you!
Looks like a giraffe to me!!
Cottage Girl, YAY! They look wonderful. Wow, those blue eyes.
I don't know what you did, but you got it, and that's great.
Thank you for the coffee and blueberry scone idea, I'll expect you at 9.
Hi there, d_34_nz. I would be somewhat willing to let you borrow Bishop, but you will have to ask her. She would have to shed a lot of fur for the Indonesian heat!
Dear Leena, I think because you are from the land of the Midnight Sun you have an experienced eye for the light.
Charlie, G is for Giraffe.
My My!
So beautiful! I so wanna come on that walk with you!
And the cat is adorable!
Hi there, and welcome Poohi. Please join this crowd on our walk, it's beautiful and not too cold today.
Bishop is our treasure.
Your photos are great. Your words too. I love the way you catch the moments. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you and welcome, Bordshot. Your sweet pooch made me want to pet that long nose today, but the comment box wouldn't let me leave a comment.
Sorry, Bordershot.
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