Like the waves in your hair, the curls
of your plant “Harley” are spreading
wide into summer, joining the wind
that skims across the farm.

And on your piano, Beethoven
relaxes with Clementi,
waiting quietly for any Italian
phrases that might be carried in
on the current.

Although you are not here,
these scenes bring you to me
every morning, like the lapping tide
from the big ocean far away.
i love this. thank you sweet mommy.
i miss my piano. and i miss my clementi. my fingers have forgotten his sweet music.
and i miss my mother. who takes the most beautiful photos.
i love you.
ps. harley is beeeeautiful!
as lovely and beautiful as Lesley
Weswey, I'm putting your books in an envelope to you tomorrow, since you now have a keyboard!
Harley loves it here, doesn't she? I hate to bring her inside, but I'll have to one of these days. A little longer . . .
Thank you, rauf. I wish Les and I could be together, but you know that.
I wanna be adopted. :)
Lesley is very fortunate and deserving of this:)
I wish my family could communicate their feelings for one another like this. Chris regularly tells his mother and father that he loves them when he's talking to them on the phone. I almost never do. Sometimes I think that my family is horribly broken, but maybe it's just on my end. Perhaps this is one reason that I don't want to have kids? I'm afraid that my relationship with them will turn out all messed up, like my relationship with my own parents?
Awwww. So very tender and sweet, dear Ruth. You and Lesley have such a wonderful mother-daughter relationship!
Drowseymonkey, OK.
RK, yes Lesley is very lovable.
Heather, as Mahatma Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world."
Heather, I hear you, and it's tough. But basically, I've known you a long time. I adore you. You are one of the best people I know. There is no way on god's earth that you wouldn't make a fantastic parent. I've seen how you are with kids, well not directly, but I've heard you talk about kids, and no one loves them better than you. Heather, whether you have biological kids or not, you are parenting a helluva lot of kids out there who are MOST FORTUNATE to know you and receive your attention.
BUT, if you don't want to have kids, that's ok too. You will know.
Boots, I am the luckiest woman in the world to have the husband, daughter, son, siblings, in-laws, nieces, nephews, etc. that I have. AND I count myself among the richest of people to be able to say that some of these people are also my closest friends, including my daughter.
And I am also fortunate in that some of my friends I also count as brothers and sisters.
Drowseymonkey, when do we draw up the papers?
Hello Raw Kale, thanks for the words of encouragement. I think that's a wonderful quote to live by. I will keep it near at hand. :)
Ruth, thanks for the kind words. I view your family as one to emulate. I know that even your seemingly perfect family didn't become so without lots of hard work.
my best to all of you who read Ruth's blog. :)
Boots, I should have said "some of these people are also my closest friends, including my daughter . . . and YOU."
This was filled with beauty,
Thanks Ruth, a.k.a. Mommy. :)
Lest anyone think we are saints in this household, think again. From our earliest days as parents, when dear little Lesley never stopped her curious ways, we have pulled hairs out of anxiety. Are we doing the right thing? Can't she stop crying? Will she never go to sleep? Mistakes were made. Yelling was done. I made too many ugly faces over outfits and hairstyles. But always, every minute, we believed love would win. Golly golly golly, I feel completely and utterly, wildly, ecstatically fortunate to have the two children we have. They never stop astonishing me with their imagination and creativity. I think what we did best was to get out of the way.
You're welcome, Heather:D
Thanks for showing your dark side, Aunt Ruth:D I love the liberation of knowing that I have the freedom to make mistakes, and it's just as natural as perfection itself.
Very very sweet love between mother and daughter:)
RK, I like how you put that.
Thank you, JoAnn. She is an adorable daughter, you can't help but love her, it's very natural.
i love this post
and third sky photo
have a nice day
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