We've used some of the herbs we planted in the herb bed. The basil is there, just in front of Phoebe, the little stone girl.

Today, we combined some of the best home grown ingredients for a special meal of veggie wraps.

It began with pesto. I knew I wanted to make some with the fresh basil in the herb bed. When Don saw a recipe in a magazine he bought yesterday for pesto dressed sandwiches, we put a twist on it and decided on lettuce wraps with veggies, shrimp and pesto.
The Silver Spoon cookbook is the equivalent of the Joy of Cooking for Italians. I found a pesto recipe there, and one in that magazine Don bought, and combined them.

Put everything but the olive oil in a food processor, pulse until blended, then pour in the olive oil in a slow, steady stream while the food processor is on.

I cut some leaves from the cilantro plant. Then picked one of Don's zucchinis from his squash/pumpkin patch.
Lettuce wraps bought from the store, all pre-washed, are ready to smear with the pesto, then load with the sauteed eggplant, red pepper, zucchini and shrimp. Top with cilantro, and they're ready to eat!

ah ! empty plate finally.
When i sit down to eat i am always thankful that i am fortunate to eat something better than mud and grass. What ever be the taste, i am ready with compliments, sincere compliments. i am a bit fake when children make something and make me eat, i lie sometimes. they way they look at me while i am eating, watching my reaction, i don't have the heart to speak the truth. i even complimented a pasta made by my Israeli friend which tasted like diesel oil. Nirmal was shocked. Nirmal's father defeated me in the compliments when he went for a second helping. That shocked me.
At home at every meal and when i am eating road side food, cpmpliments flow out of me.
I don't know, grass would be very tasty too.
Ha, rauf, this green goop must look suspicious to anyone who hasn't tried it. In fact, maybe it looks like grass!
I remember being small, maybe 7 or 8, when I ate some grass in our back yard. I saw a dog do it. What I didn't know was that dogs eat grass to make themselves throw up. Well, you know what happened next. But silly me, I ran INTO the house to do it, on the couch. Mom wasn't pleased.
I think you'd like pesto. But even if you didn't, I know you would compliment us on how delicious it is, haha.
What a fun post, Ruth! You and Don do such a good job of sharing these food experiences together. I love that you grow your own spices. You are so creative!
Ginnie-Boots, it's very easy to grow herbs. I'll bet you could easily find a spot for them. Only problem is, you'd be gone half the time, and they would probably die in the heat of Atlanta.
I'm getting to the point where I like eating out less and less. Why do I trust someone else to cook my food? And the pleasure of cooking it myself, including the washing, cutting, sauteeing, etc., is more appealing to me as time goes on, quite meditative.
Hello Ruth! (I feel strange calling you that. Should be "other mother") Good to hear from you. I love all your pictures..and your garden!! I can't wait to do that someday..I will def come to you for some sweet recipes/cook books.
Much love.
Thank you for all your thoughts :)
Hello, Belle! I'm happy to see you here! You may call me whatever comes from your mouth at the moment, ha. I hope if you come to MI any time soon, we can visit.
I have such sweet memories of you and Tim by the bonfire, especially when he drove the John Deere back to the brush pile for firewood, hilarious.
All my love, dear girl.
rauf, I just wondered. Have you tasted diesel oil?
i can only guess Ruth by the smell of it, how it should taste. i have seen people eating glass and and wood in the TV series of Guinness book of records. The man is given a trophy for his amazing feats and he eats that too on the camera. But i have never seen any one drinking petrol or diesel. Do you think i should aim for Guinness record ?
Oh, rauf, please don't. I, too, can imagine what diesel must taste like from its smell, and I was pulling your leg, as you know.
totally scrumptious! i wasnt gonna comment, but those pics!!! so so deliciously lovely!
im looking for a cook book that will teach me how to use the veggies we get here in this country.. leeks, parsnips, etc.. I do use a wide variety but still, not all.
Thanks, Mystic Rose! I'm glad you left a comment. I don't have a particular recommendation for a veggie cookbook, there are so many, I'm sure. I have too many cookbooks, and so I don't research them much any more. But this Silver Spoon, when it came out, was irresistable to me.
Have you ever checked out Alice Waters of Chez Panisse? I admire her "California Cuisine" - the first to really focus in a big way on using local, seasonal produce. Now she has programs for schoolyard lunch projects and more. You might check to see if she has some veggie cooking books out.
deeeelicious! a little preview for me. you know, i'm beginning to like cilantro! acquired taste. i even bought my first bottle of hot sauce the other day. movin up in the world. perhaps it's the big city.
and i love that dish! was admiring it. even better that it was only $1.
lovely post.
You know, Les, that I didn't like cilantro for a long time myself. Wasn't until Ed brought a special dressing for salad that I got hooked. Hot sauce!? Remember our hot Thai food at Republic? :D
That dish I love. It's bigger than it looks in the photo too, maybe 14" diameter, and shallow.
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