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I drove 30 minutes after work yesterday, the opposite direction from home, back to my childhood home town, Grand Ledge.

I grew up in this little town of 7,000 people, where the sandstone ledges line the Grand River just two blocks from the house where I lived.

As a girl I could walk down the street any time I wanted (usually with a sibling) and stroll the 1.5 mile river path. I loved it.

The quiet is almost eery, and yesterday I felt the old subtle trepidation that something (or someone) was peeping out at me from one of the caves. Or like Frodo, Merry, Pippin and Sam, I could hide under this tree ledge (above) and be protected from something evil.

Climbers "top rope" climb these ledges. No rapelling or lead climbing allowed.

Ruth, the first 3 pictures are not loading
Rauf, Ginnie told me the same thing. But they load fine for me. I don't know how to fix it, since there doesn't seem to be a problem for me. Try starting from scratch, rather than refreshing to see if they will load.
The ledges bring back so many memories for me! When I was just old enough to ride a bike well, Kelly took me on a bike ride down that trail toward the trellace. Of course, at my age the cliff we were riding next to seemed about 10 times bigger than it does now and I was quite frightened that I would ride off the trail into the river fall below. What we think about we bring about- so sure enough, I drove off the trail and fell and tumbled a small ways down the hill (which was really a cliff to me)! Scared to death, but ah, what a great memory! Is this where my sense of adventure began?
Rachel, I imagine so! You survived your fall, and your fear, and so, you were willing to risk again! :)
I must say, there were many spots on the trail yesterday that looked quite precarious, and I wondered if I would slip.
Yes I tried Ruth, cleared the temp internet files and opened the page again, same result. the first three pictures are not loading. I am using internet explorer.
posted the comment after 6 attempts
Only now the word verification box has appeared.
Rauf, how exasperating. I'm sorry. I can't figure it out, since I don't have a problem, except sometimes if I hit the refresh button then the top 3 don't load for me either. But if I re-enter my url, it loads all right. I do think problems have arisen since I switched this server to google. I hope the problems will be worked out.
At least the last 3 photos are showing for me, Ruth, and they bring back so many memories. There are clifts on both sides of the river, you know, and I spent time on both in my high school years. It's one of my earliest memories of being in nature!
Ginnie, I remember that you spent a lot of time at the ledges. Remember Popeye?
Yes, of course I remember Popeye but I guess I don't remember the connection!?! Pray tell :)
Ginnie, Popeye Rock! Someone carved Popeye's head on one of the big rocks before our time. :)
beautiful photos mammas! i couldn't see the first few, but may be it's my internet connection...who knows. i've climbed those rocks, remember when i was going to cran-hill? michelle and i were 'top ropers'. ooooh!
Les, there seem to be issues while Blogger is switching to beta via google. So some internet explorer versions aren't allowing certain things to be viewed. I don't get it, but I'm hoping it will be resolved soon.
Ah, I did not know what type of rope climbing you did at Cranhill. :) Have you gone climbing lately?
I grew up right along the riverbank, lived on West Jefferson Street, and used to scramble down from the backyard to hike down to the Ledges at Fitzgerald Park. Saw them in October 2005 while visiting Grand Ledge, right at the height of blazing-red fall colors. Lyle Birchman and I climbed a couple of the smaller formations. Wish I could visit more often, but I'm in Colorado, where the outcroppings are a little bigger. Loring -
Loring, I think I know you! I'll email. BTW, sorry all the photos don't load.
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