Whatever your faith or persuasion, would you join me today by sending out loving energy across this violent world of ours? Listening to NPR coming to work this morning I felt ill listening to the news of Gaza, Iraq and the political meanderings of some silly suits.
We have personal power, and when we send it out as love and light, it is energy that creates rather than breaks down. Whether you pray, meditate, or whatever you do (or don’t regularly do) please join me and send LIFE out to a crazy, hate-filled world.
Where are we going to be 10 years from now if we don’t wake up??
A comment to myself. It's easy to be unkind, to inadvertantly wound someone or something. The bird I hit with my car coming to work. The person on the phone I just lost patience with. We are all one in this. No one is exempt from wounding another.
Yes, I totally agree with you. What kind of good persons are we if we complain about the wars everywhere but don't stop the little wars we sometimes do in our own life.
But sending love energy is a good idea too. I believe in that. You can count on me. And my mother, who just had 81, is a very soulful person and doing that all the time. :O)
So, your beautiful window, maybe is more than a window?... ;O)
So glad you'll join me, Clo, and your mother! She sounds lovely.
Yes, the window. We each have our own viewpoint on the forms we see around us. It's what's beyond the forms that matters, but we get attached to OUR forms, OUR window. We even fight each other about our windows on the world. It's my way or the highway. But it's just a window! Do we really KNOW anything? We need to listen more, watch more, love more, be more open.
I would join whole heartedly Ruth, Its sad. A vast majority of good is so powerless and such a small minority of evil is so powerful. I am tired Ruth.
Beautiful composition Ruth, Just thinking of the day when it was new.
Rauf, yes, it is a strange cosmic law, isn't it? That evil in small amounts can seem more powerful than a great amount of good.
Thank you for the photo comment. This window is in our 100-year-old barn. No two barns are the same, I love them all. There are so many in Michigan, and many, like ours, need major repairs to survive.
Amen sister! I can't bring myself to listen to that stuff on the radio, or watch the news or read the papers. I find it hard to believe that people actually fill their heads with that crap everyday, subscribing to the wars and the political shenanigans by tuning in. If everyone tuned out and stopped supporting it- there would be no foundation for their endeavors. If everyone stopped buying newspapers, tuning in to the bad news, listening to the radio, buying the products they are fighting over in the first place, if everyone lived a simple and modest life, and lent a hand out to their neighbors (and I mean planetary neighbors, not just next door) instead of trying to outdo them, these wars would have no place in our world.
Grandma used to always say "you get hungry for what you feed yourself," and she's right.
War is an anachronism.
SIGH! Thanks, Ruth, for reminding us of "the power of one!" In picture and in word!
Ginnie, Yes, big sigh. Some days I feel more hopeful than others. Yesterday, I just knew it was time to spend focused energy on this, and I know you're one who constantly sends out that love to the world.
hmmm-through many influences I now consider myself a-political...in my birth order of our family (extended) I have felt myself to dwell in the twilight zone throughout most of my life...socially, politcally...
the issue of world events is included in that...vivid memories of the evening news during vietem nam at G'ma/G'pa's during summer visits, uncles in uniform, and yet very little understanding and no memories of the war at home. How can that be? Conservative parents, and following Christ who teaches compassion, meeting the true needs of the oppressed seem to be oxy-morons.
and I remember you as a college student, not just fondly, but vivdly.
I LOVE YOU, AUNT RUTH. (yea, don, you too! :))
Ruth, you no doubt were burned at the stake at Occitane. You have a heart that beats true and the truth can only be tolerated by those who love it.
Mrs. M. I remember Ruth as a college coed too, whooo-hoo!
It is just a window, but when I think of the countless farmers, cows, horses etc., that looked through that window I think about all of the thoughts and aspirations they may have had. And now, I have the thought that I need to fix that window.
Hmmm, there is something about that....
Mrs. M, I remember Uncle Bennett wearing a black arm band at his college graduation in Boston when I was 14. He was protesting Vietnam. I'm sure your "tweener" age has influenced where you are politically. We all have so many influences! What is it WE truly believe? This has been my trek these last few years: getting down to what the truth is for me.
I love you too, Mrs. M!
Don, ah yes! fixing the window. THAT is no doubt the key. Sometimes it is the window that is skewing the view, if it is broken, warped, rotten.
Do you have to fix this particular window though? :)
Ruth, and Don,
I picture summer evening nights, many people in the living room at w.lincoln st., me being REALLY bored with the evening news...
no afternoon cartoons because of watergate...
watching the Deer Hunter in Pasadena...
every "social/political/religious challenge" connected with you both somehow--even things like whole grain in the co-op at the uscwm--
i remember you as a college student wanting to worship in your own way at wilmot rd., and going against the status quo (inlcuding my father) to do it...
a profound influence...
there is not a time in my life you are not there.
Mrs. M, you're recalling things I had no idea had an effect on you. Thank you for showing me that perspective, I'm amazed. You were always watching, and I didn't know it mattered to you at all. There are such small things we can do. I have to keep remembering that. Everything matters (and nothing matters!).
i love knowing that i can come and read your blog every day. it's that little piece of home that i was missing in my day, in my life.
an insite into my hero's soul.
i agree whole-heartedly!! with everything!!
yay, Lesley. I'm so glad you're coming here to be with me. I love you.
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