Thursday, June 28, 2012


purple carrot flowers on the farm

With some sadness I am putting my blog to sleep. I'd like to think of synch-ro-ni-zing going into hibernation, rather than permanent sleep, but who knows? Most hibernating animals go into the long sleep in winter, but I'm choosing the hottest day of the year in Michigan to tuck this little bird into its nest. (I guess birds don't hibernate, do they?)

I've been at this six and a half years in the best time of my life. I've practiced writing and photography,  and I've made friends with extraordinary people. All is well with me and my family, my grandson is a growing joy, our son will be married in August, and life is very good. I am simply feeling creative energy flowing elsewhere. I may post photos from the wedding here as I did from Lesley's. In any case, I'll keep in touch.

I've started several blogs as my oldest friends know. I reserve the right to start another, which I may do when I begin arranging flowers for the new restaurant of dear friends when it opens. Nina and Tony run The Purple Carrot food truck, which has the best food in town, bar none. They will open the Red Haven restaurant in late August. In the meantime, you can find me on Instagram, the photo sharing app for iPhones and Android phones. My name there is ruthie822.

A few nights ago we watched the 2011 version of "Jane Eyre" and loved it. Mia Wasikowska is my favorite Jane to date. I didn't realize then that I would be saying goodbye to synch-ro-ni-zing so soon or use a quote from Charlotte Brontë's novel to say it:

Then you and I should bid good-bye for a little while?
I suppose so, sir.
And how do people perform that ceremony of parting, Jane? Teach me; I'm not quite up to it.
They say, Farewell, or any other form they prefer.
Then say it.
Farewell, Mr. Rochester, for the present.
What must I say?
The same, if you like, sir.
Farewell, Miss Eyre, for the present; is that all?
It seems stingy, to my notions, and dry, and unfriendly. I should like something else: a little addition to the rite. If one shook hands for instance; but no—that would not content me either. So you'll do nothing more than say Farewell, Jane?
It is enough, sir; as much good-will may be conveyed in one hearty word as in many.
Very likely; but it is blank and cool—"Farewell."

It is blank and cool, and I'd rather get a hug from you.


  1. I posted a comment just now, which disappeared, this is something along the same lines:

    Farewell, dear Ruth,
    and thank you for your enriching presence here. The two years I have known you have been a great pleasure and if you should decide to start afresh, I would love to become your faithful follower once again.

    May your life contain only poetry and may your only sorrows be weeds.

    Much love, Friko

    PS: Say hello to the spirit of Theodore Roethke for me.

  2. oh i am sad to hear this news. i wish you all the best.

  3. Fare thee well Ruth.

    Besos y abrazos.

  4. A fond farewell to you and of course a hug too ;) May not have said much but have enjoyed reading your blog :)
    xoxo Sioux
    P.S. Sigh! Jane number 1 favourite read of all appropriate.

  5. This seems perhaps more of an au revoir (hibernation) than an adieu (putting to sleep), so au revoir! I'm bad at both, so I may seem cool too. Behind my blankness lies a deep appreciation for one of the finest blogs I know. Hugs, Robert

  6. ah, Ruth. I hope that we will meet again so that I can give you a proper hug!

  7. As Nature knows, not everything wonderful is meant to be permanent. Thank you for sharing your extraordiary perspective with me, Ruth. I will miss you, and I hope our paths will cross again. Always, may you fare well.

  8. Oh I have enjoyed this blog so. Good fortune on your journey.

  9. Adieu, I have so enjoyed the thinking you have brought upon my heart...xo

  10. Wow...go a way for a bit and come home to this! So all I can say is I wish you Farewell! Fare Well Ruth, Fare Well! <>

  11. I miss you already. I have enjoyed our friendship Ruth and I hope to see you back one day.

  12. Your blog will be sorely missed, my friend, but—as witnessed by the absence of new postings on my blog for two months—I completely understand the need to change the rhythms of one's life from time to time, to break ingrained habits, to dance in a different way, to follow the clues when one feels the creative energy pulling one in a different direction. You have handled this with grace and aplomb, and I wish you the very best while your widely treasured blog remains in hibernation. I think I speak for many when I say that you have the full-hearted support of your many friends, all of whom will heartily welcome your return when the time is right. Fare thee well, my friend. With or without your frequent blogging, you will remain warmly embraced by those who have been enriched by the unfolding of your life.

  13. This come as a shock and with much sadness for me. For someone whom I haven't even met, or spoken with, I'll miss you deeply... your poetry, photography, wise and insightful observation of life, and always encouraging feedbacks. But, I'm glad your creative endeavour will continue to take flight, I'm sure to a higher and more fulfilling plane. So, Ruth, I wish you all the best!

  14. Your blog will be sorely missed but I can quite understand all the different directions your life/energies/artistic eye etc ia/are pulling you.
    I will continue to enjoy glimpses into your life on Instagram!
    and if you are ever in New York.......!

  15. Hugs and happy adventures to you!

    I'll look forward to seeing more of your creative endeavors, in whatever forum.

  16. Even though I hardly know you, I will miss you, and your writings, but I totally get it - needing to follow new rhythms and paths. I have felt the winds of change myself... I admire you for listening to your heart! Big Heart Hugs for your continuing journey! Christine

  17. I am sad to read that you are stopping your blog. I have enjoyed reading your sweet blog for three years now, almost as long as I have had a blog. I always looked forward to reading your lovely poems and looking at the beautiful photos of your farm. I shall miss seeing photos of your little James growing up – he felt like part of my family but it’s true that blogs are “virtual.” (Unfortunately I don’t have the fancy iPhone and Android phones.) I know you are doing what is right for you and trust that you will be happy in your future endeavours. I wish you a happy hibernation in summer hoping you will stay cool, rested and happy. Bonne chance mon amie I wish you well. I say “au revoir” and not “adieu.”

  18. Sad, but understandable. So, in French we have as you know the difference between "au revoir" and "adieu". I trust that this is a "au revoir", hopefully also meaning that we one day we will at last really meet here in Paris! In the meantime, sincere thanks for all the interesting posts, for your kind comments... and a lot of hugs!!!!

  19. What I found here: marvelous poetry, wonderful prose, a deep heart, a full life. Thank you for allowing us to take a few peeks at all of these. Wishing you continued great writing but, most of all, happiness and joy in all you do.

  20. Hello Ruth,

    This blog is food for the soul. Even though you may not be posting, if it is still up,there is a treasure chest of exotic jewels to rummage through over and again.

    Thanks for sharing the beauty in your life.

    Love and blessings to you, and your new adventures.


  21. Like Vagabonde, I have no fancy phone, so this must be adieu for now. You've been such an inspiration and source of joy. May you find that same inspiration and joy on your new path.

  22. Ruthie,

    I googled "fare thee well" and found this, "Antiquated goodbye formulations, such as ‘fare-well’, or the even older, ‘fare thee well’ reveal that at the heart, goodbyes are blessings. We bless the other person’s going and coming, wishing that they may be well while away…In order to make our goodbyes a blessing, all we have to do is to pay attention to the moment and create an intention of goodwill in our heart."

    Your intention is clear!

    What also comes to mind, my dear sister, is "Godspeed," as you redirect your creative energy.

    You'll have your hug from me soon!


  23. Thank you for your presence in my blogging circle - just for a short time I have been visiting - it's been good to know you and to read your words. Thank you for the encouragement given. It sounds like your world is warm and welcoming, time to just enjoy and savour is what is calling you. I wish you love and peace and joy for the future.

  24. Ruth! Oh, dear, I have tears. I am very sad to bid you farewell. Jane Eyre I adore, of course, and that is a sweet scene with much unspoken feeling underlying it. I will miss your lovely poetry and your beautiful comments. Be well. It was a blessing to know you, even briefly, even through this dim window.

  25. So easily the leaves fly in the wind, when it's time for them to fall. May your life be full of the joy and wonder, talent, accomplishment and the beauty of art and poetry you've shared with us here--I'm a relative newcomer to your blog, but I will miss it.

  26. Thank you for your lovely blogging time, and best wishes with the flower arranging and all kinds of sweetness.

    I'd bid you a warm farewell--and do!--but you are right, it's such a hot day that a cool-as-a-cucumber virtual farewell is fine!!

  27. I have to admit that I shed a tear... although I'm considering a break myself at some point.

    Hope you turn up again somewhere that I can see you & know that you are well!

  28. Good luck in whatever you choose to do with your life....I've enjoyed your blog. You've taught me so much!

  29. I will miss your blog. Sometimes I resent that the rhythms of life take away people I want around. It's selfish. But mostly, in the core that goes deeper than the selfishness, all I can wish is what I said to my sister a week ago.


  30. What??? I will miss you and will check back from time to time to see if you have changed your mind. Best wishes for you and your family.

  31. You know, often when I write a post or when some event occurs, I look forward to your comments and wonder what you will think. I really will miss our communications, Ruth. I feel we got to know each other and you have broadened my horizons. I know you will always find creative and interesting ways to fill your time.

  32. Oh Ruth I find this sad...but so very understandable. I will miss how you always manage to engage my mind...something that just doesn't happen that often I am ashamed to admit! I wish I had a friend like you that lived close by me:)

    I will miss your poetry, your photos, your philosophy! Oh dear I will try to keep in touch....

    My poor blog has been dying a very slow death as I just have never committed to quitting:)

    Have a wonderful, busy summer!

  33. Dear Friko, too bad about having to rewrite your comment. I have certainly enjoyed our blog friendship these two years. I especially appreciate your honest response to life at your place, and to your friends' posts, mine included. Thank you for your blessing and promise to support any future blogging enterprise. If I get to Saginaw to visit the Roethke home museum, I will give him your greetings.

    Much love.

  34. Kamana, bless you for that, and thank you so much.

    Gnome, we haven't known each other long, but I've enjoyed it. xoxo

    Artyjen (Sioux), thank you for the fond farewell and hug. It is nice to know you have been hear, and to know that you love Jane Eyre too.

  35. Dear Robert, I'm learning the difference between au revoir and adieu from you and others, and I appreciate the sentiment. I have so welcomed and enjoyed your enthusiasms here over the years (and at the Rilke blog too last year). I trust that I'll be seeing you elsewhere, but I'll miss our interchanges here. Your approach to life is splendid, especially knowing you came from a very similar background to my own.

  36. Violetski, oh wouldn't that be grand! I hope Don and I can make it to Toronto soon. It's ridiculous that we have never been! Thanks so much.

    Gwen, you have been such a joy in my blog experience. Thank you.

    Stratoz, thank you for your blessing. And now we continue our encounters at Instagram!

  37. Dear J.G., what lovely things you say and have always said here. If I come back, I will look forward to our encounters once again. Thank you.

    Allison, thank you for your wishes. I wish you all the best as well. I'm so happy you enjoyed my blog.

    *jean*, and I have so enjoyed the blues of your art, which were not blue at all. I'm sure I'll see you at FB still. Thank you. xo

  38. Karin, yes it's a surprise to me too, although this has been coming on for some months. Thank you for your blessing. It has been a pleasure to meet another sojourner.

    Babs, oh my friend you are such a joy to me. I have loved getting to know you, and Mo through you. I have smiled and laughed so many times; what good fortune that has been. I wish you and Mo all the very best. Much love.

  39. Dear George, your wonderful and thoughtful comment reinforces what I have always felt from you, that I have your supportive friendship no matter what. I have always treasured every comment you have written here, for your thoughtful attention and care, and for the ways you represent the thoughts and perspectives of your lovely mind. You are one of the rare people I have met who truly balances mind and heart, something I value more than I can express. I can let this blog go, with sadness, but with terrific memories of our interactions here. If you pick up again at Transit Notes, I will be at your door.

  40. Dear Arti, I know this is a surprise, even to me, though I have felt it coming for some months. It makes me feel good that you feel sad to see my blog go. I have enjoyed it immensely, and I have so appreciated your kind and attentive comments always. I look forward to reading your reviews at Ripple Effects now and again. I know I'll miss you too much to stay away completely. Thank you for your wishes very much.

  41. Elizabeth, thank you for your thoughts, and suggestion that we meet up in NY. I miss Lesley being there for an excuse to visit, and I would love to meet you one day. Yes, I'll see you on my phone later!

    Jean, thank you for the hugs and wishes. Your art is exceptionally good, and I wish you all the best too.

    Christine, we have just become acquainted, and I appreciate your kind words. Thank you for your Big Heart Hugs and for your many good thoughts along the way.

  42. Dear Vagabonde, you have been such a faithful blog companion, and I have thoroughly appreciated your insightful comments over the years. Your perspective on so many things has been instructive and helpful to me. You are like a living library! But not to worry, you and I can continue to share photos and exploits of our grandchildren. Please? Thank you for your wishes my friend.

  43. Peter, you are one of my earliest blog friends! How I have enjoyed our friendship over these many years. Rest assured that when (I won't say "if") I get to Paris again, I will arrange my schedule around yours! Thank you for those hugs, I need them.

  44. Maureen, thank you for your generous comment, and for always being a faithful reader. Your own blog is just incredible, and I look forward to finding it as a continued resource. Thank you for your blessing, and for all your supportive reads and comments over our time together.

  45. Miruh, what a good thing you've offered me, the thought that someone might return here for rummaging. Thank you for that and for your kind blessing.

    Linda, thank you so much for your kind words and blessing. You have been such an interesting blog friend over the years, and I wish you all the best.

  46. Nelson, I love the description you found, and it has informed each of the farewells I have read here in comments. I do feel blessed in this parting, because of the momentary attentions, which are touches from hearts. It has been so very fun for me to have you along on my blog journeys for a short time. Much love and thanks, and lucky me to get a real hug soon!

  47. Jan, it is so nice to meet you for this short encounter, and to know that you have been reading here. Thank you for letting me know that the blog has meant something to you of encouragement, and thank you for your blessing.

  48. MJ, bless you for those tears. I have valued our interactions about poetry very much. I do not intend for those to end with this blog, and I look forward to reading what you continue to write. I may not get by regularly, but I don't want to miss out on your gorgeous verse.

  49. Hedge, you have been a highly valued friend in our spaces. (I really miss Brendan, and the always fascinating exchanges the two of you had.) You are one of the most gifted poets I know, and so receiving your kind attentions to my own writing has been very helpful and insightful. I trust that we can keep in touch!

  50. Kathleen, I have quite enjoyed our recent blog acquaintance. You are a gifted poet, and your online presence is so attractive and valued. Thank you for the coolness today!

    Dana, oh thank you for that tear. It's extraordinary, isn't it? How we connect here. Thank you for such kindness, and I wish you all the best too!

    Oh Pat, you are a treasure. I have laughed and learned from you at your place, and I have appreciated your faithful attentions here. Thank you for your wishes!

  51. JeannetteLS, yes it's time to move into a new place, though I don't know quite what it will be. The flowers have me excited as I haven't been in some time. I have been blown away by your story and writing, and I trust you will find strength to continue to share it. I've truly been blessed to read you, and I've enjoyed your visits here very much.

  52. Dear Shari, I know. :( I feel sad too, and no doubt I will question myself in the days ahead. I will miss you, but I can still stop by for a visit now and then. Thank you for how supportive you have been, and for sharing your family. Your grandmotherly attentions to your grandkids have been a beautiful model for me. xoxo

  53. GailO, you are one of my longest standing blog friends, and so dear to me. I have no doubt that Instagram's little photographic glimpses of you are one of the reasons I can say farewell to synch-ro-ni-zing now. It's such a pleasure knowing we can stay in touch.

  54. Fare well Ruth. I enjoyed visiting at your place.

  55. I don't always have the time to check but I did today and am glad for the opportunity to express my gratitude for all the times that I have come here, feeling low and left feeling encouraged and inspired, ready to battle once more! Thank you Ruth...I don't think you really understand the significant impact you have made on so many lives, in so many different places. You are a bright light, in what can be sometimes, a very dark world.

  56. Ellen, thank you. I enjoyed your visits here, and also my visits to your place, for your frank and unique approach and artistry.

    Ralph, I don't know how to thank you for such generous words from you. Suffice it to say that you have given me a lovely gift. Bless you.

  57. Aw, what a shame (for me) - of course I'm one to talk, having closed my blog's doors some time ago... but I keep thinking to work on it again and had hoped to continue an exchange there.

    I've always appreciated what you've shared here - poetry, prose, approach to life and connection to beauty and will echo what I've said before - I'm in line to buy your book of poetry when it comes out :)

    Meanwhile, I'll close with my new language,

    Auf Wiedersehen, Ruth - "see you again" somewhere, someday.

    Kind regards and blessings,


  58. you are so loved in this world, and had so many wonderful things to say and share. you will be missed!!

    arranging flowers, what FUN!! and what a great creative outlet. i can't wait to see what you come up with.

    love love love.

  59. Dear Ruth,
    You could have knocked me over with a feather with this news. I admire your brave decision to say Farewell, but I understand the need to hibernate.

    I thank you for your presence here and at Dutchbaby. You were a terrific role model for me and many other bloggers, I'm sure.

    You must know how excited I am to learn that you will be leaning into the world of flowers! I will look for your creations on Instagram, Facebook, and/or Pinterest!

    All the best my dear friend!

  60. Here is your hug, dear Ruth, with tears abounding...please let this not be goodbye...
    Why do I suspect that flowers will not be the only things you will be arranging?
    Much joy to you always and ever,


  61. Ruth, like smoking and drinking, blogging is a bad habit, you can't get rid of it easily. i know you will come back. its good to take a break for a while. You have such a variety and abundance of talent that the blogging world cannot afford your absence. Synchronizing is a contribution towards the welfare of us humans and the world. We are heading in a wrong direction and a blog like yours can put us back in the right direction. i know that maintaining an exceedingly popular blog like Synchronizing is a tremendous pressure and sometimes scary. But you have all the strength to carry on. Your readers, me included, just love you Ruth.

  62. Neighbor (Wendy), thank you for your sweet blessing and encouragement! If I ever have a book published, I will post it here. I appreciate your early order. :-) Auf Wiedersehen.

    Wesrey, thank you, sweetie. I have new adrenaline for the flowers! As Dad says, we have a lot of dirt, might as well fill it. loves.

  63. Dutchbaby, my old friend. Sorry to break this on you suddenly. It's been coming on for some time, but I wasn't sure it would actually come to an end or just gradually fade away. I've thought about you as this new adventure sprang on me, and I have no doubt I will turn to you for design and flower advice as I have done for book advice. Thank you for your beautiful encouragement all these years! I will definitely see you around FB and Instagram. xoxo

  64. ds, my dear friend, your hug and tears make this parting easier and sweeter. You have been my very important and valued companion in these pages. You have insight like no other. And you will not see me gone altogether. Thank you for your wishes. xoxo

  65. Oh rauf, you have come to wish me strength, my first blog friend outside of family. And then you became family, what an extraordinary thing! There is much power in these spaces, let no one deny it. Any piece of art or writing in any medium can be a weapon, a tool, a salve, depending on the need of the reader. If synch has been a salve to anyone I am grateful, but it was never my goal. I have been selfish and posted here because I loved to, and I needed it. I am curious about so many things. There are many more things I could write about and photograph. Maybe you're right and I'll come back one day. And maybe you will too, my dear friend and model. Thank you, rauf.

  66. ruth, i see us changing. i see us living. and yet with each change comes joy and grief. i have missed you dearly since you have distanced yourself from blogging but i laugh, i have missed rilke too who has been dead how many years? and many times now i even miss myself (through missing you and missing rilke and through just plain being busy). but i know you and i believe in your growth. i believe that as you grow we get to grow, as well. somehow, somehow this happens. so please, please, bring us knowledge of your growth. cast your shadow time to time to show us. it is a one and precious life and so we must be busy living it, but how beautiful your shadow. i can't help but want to see it.

    much love always

  67. erin, and I have missed you. Something has shifted in me, for me. For a time I wrote poems; nothing would come out that was not a poem. How many months did this live? Then suddenly a few weeks ago I could not bear to read a poem. I could not write a poem. Nothing in me longed for poetry. How could this be? And so I posted a few prose pieces, trying to find what I had felt before, a connection with this practice here in this space. The night before writing this post I suddenly knew it was done, but that came only after I found a new adventure, in designing something beautiful for our friends. I want something physical and not cerebral now. It will be for a time, and no doubt words will nudge their way back, for I do love to write. I have cherished you in this place (mine, yours, Rilke, other blogs), and I will continue to do so. I will still visit you. Perhaps now that this blog is done, I will have more time to visit. You are my unique an marvelous friend.

  68. If I were a small child I'd say "'s not fair!" I've just discovered your blog (and your poetry) via The Solitary Walker. As a grown up I know all roads come to an end (hang on... do they?)

    Oh well, I've become a follower as a symbolic gesture.

  69. Oh it's the famous Dominic, friend of The Solitary Walker! Welcome! I feel disappointed too, not to have gotten to know you here. Bummer. It's sweet of you to follow, and you can loiter in any case. There's a whole lot of stuff here, as I was a pretty consistent poster for 6 1/2 years. The poetry was mostly the last couple of years. In any case now that you follow you'll know if I start any new ventures. Thanks a bunch.

  70. Oh, Ruth, I'll miss you! I cherish all you have shared and wish you deep peace, tons of fun and new creative adventures. Enjoy every moment of grandmothering with sweet baby James and please accept my gratitude.

  71. Dear Mary, I'll miss meeting you here too! Thank you for your generous wishes, and for all the support you have offered in my spaces. Thank you for how you've modeled grandmothering, which I'll never lose. xoxo

  72. Ruth, I've just seen your comment to Erin, and with those words - "I want something physical now and not cerebral" - I understand more than you might imagine. Those were very nearly my words when I left my former world for varnishing.

    You will be more blessed than you can imagine. That I believe.

  73. I have enjoyed your blog and all of the effort you have put into it. On to new things and your continued creative journey. Happiness and blessings to you and your family. xoxcb

  74. This is so strange, Sister, because I could have sworn I left a comment here...but apparently did not. I think I've been having a conversation with you almost every day since first reading this, and simply never wrote anything down...except in an e-mail or FB.

    I understand how these transitions happen...and HAVE to happen. As I said on FB, a tear an a smile. It comes like this and seems to settle in its time.

    Maybe the withdrawal for us all will also settle and come back to joy?

  75. back from Scandinavia, Sweden and Finland, I discover your farewell.
    A little sadness taste but we have to respect your choice.
    Life goes on for the best.

  76. Well, your life is full and busy and you put your heart and soul into your blog and it shows. I have had to curtail computer time and it showed in my "getting around" as you know. I will never take you of my blog's followed as I hope you will pick it up someday again or swing by now and again to share your poetry. I will miss your wise and beautiful words. (but I'm off to check you out on instagram... that is something I adore! :) You are a treasure and I adore you.

  77. Thank you for the beauty, culture and dignity you have brought into my world over this readership period.

    I have needed this haven of grace.

  78. Linda, so well I remember your story of wanting to carry out some physical labor. We go through phases, but sometimes they last the rest of life. I already feel a craving to write (and will be a guest at your Vision & Verb in a couple of weeks), and of course as you show so well, writing can carry on. My physical abilities are much diminished, but I have a great farmhand, and designing and arranging promise to be quite fulfilling. Thank you.

  79. Dear Cathy, thank you for your sweet friendship over the years! I wish you beautiful inspiration for your art and life. xoxo

  80. Boots, you did email me and comment on FB, and I appreciated your tear and smile for synch. I am paying attention to my withdrawal symptoms. I should blog about them. ;)

    I love you.

  81. Bonjour, Daniel. Thank you for your friendship all these years. I have always enjoyed your visits, and my visits to Radonviliers. Au revoir.

  82. Margaret, you have been such a dear blog companion all these years. I have delighted in your comments here, and at the Rilke blog. You are quite an inspiration with your attentions to your beautiful family, and to your always expanding artistic endeavors. All blessings to you, my friend. I count it a charming privilege to be treasured and adored by you.

  83. Dear Amy, with every visit here you have brought peace, joy and gratitude. Thank you for that, and for sharing the beauty and insight of your heart.

  84. I may be too late to say good-bye, but I don't care. i want you to know how getting to know you here has brought such joy and wonder and peace and beauty to my life. I want you to know how you have added depth and meaning to my day, how your words and images and spoken poems have created such resonance in my heart, I can at times barely breathe.

    I want you to know all this and more, and mostly, I want you to know, I will miss you.

    Thank you for all you've been, given, done, created, shared, opened up and set free.

  85. Dear Louise, oh it is not too late. I relish your visit and sentiments so much. I will not forget the day I found you at your blog and immediately recognized a soul connection. It was my great privilege to witness you and your spacious heart, and to receive your attentions here. Thank you for your great generosity expressed here.

  86. oh wow ruth. i will miss you. you are a rare find on the blogosphere; you have such a way with words and art. bless you. e.

  87. Emily, thank you for such kindness, and for your blessing. All the best to you, too.

  88. Hugs and happy adventures to you!
    Lots of love

    Short Poems

  89. Ruth, I've been absent a bit lately--work, parenting, life have gotten the best of me. I am so sad to hear you are leaving us! If you do pick up again elsewhere, will you let us know please. I hate to lose sight of you! Farewell, Ruth!

  90. Marinela, oh thank you for coming by to wish me happy adventures, love and give me hugs. All best to you with your poems.

    RD, how nice to see you again. We've been blog acquaintances a long time. I will let you know if I come back. I will be doing a guest post at another blog next week for one thing. All the best to you!

  91. Oh! I will miss reading here. I'll keep you on my list just in case you decide to return. Have fun being creative elsewhere!

  92. There's probably nothing much more that hasn't already been said..that I can add here. Only - that I think I know this feeling. Of needing to say good-bye..even if only for a short while.
    Enjoy the fruits of your new found freedom and family and love!

  93. Ruth, sure feel I'm late to the party on THIS. I noticed you were posting infrequently, particularly after the Rilke blog was going. Time moves on and so must we. I will miss your presence. I hope we stay in touch. We've followed one another many years now. Love, luck, happiness to you & yours.

  94. Hugs to you Ruth. I haven't been by for a while but I will miss you.
    It seems we have been bloggers together for the last 4 years or so.
    I have always said I will keep blogging until the juices flow differently. Its not quite my time but I can see it is yours.
    Enjoy the new seasons of your life.
    Sue of Photowannabe

  95. Pauline, thanks for keeping synch on your list. Who knows, I may be back.

    Marcie, I think there is nothing like taking a break to re-envision what it is that speaks to us. Thank you for your well wishes!

    California Girl, yes, we've been blog friends for quite some time. Thank you for your thoughts here, and I wish you all the best too.

    Oh hello, Sue. You are one of my oldest blog friends, from the dailies! That seems impossibly long ago. Do enjoy your blog until its time is done. Thank you for the years.

  96. You have the hugs from me, hopefully in person sometime sooner rather than later! We have NO excuse not to keep in touch!

    I will miss synchronizing -- a lot. You were my daily dose of poetry and I've learned such a lot from reading and listening to your work and discovering the work of others. Your Paris Deconstructed posts are still revisited periodically and I smile when I think of Lesley's wedding and many other wonderful posts telling of your experiences with your family and with your friend Inge.

    Now, I must find out where the restaurant is opening, so I can pop in and check out those flowers first hand!

    Best wishes, my friend. Let's lunch or dinner or wine soon.

  97. Ruth, it can't be. I have lost so many connections made through Blogger, and each loss weighs deeply.
    Yet, I understand.
    I wish you the best of voyages, wherever you may go. It was a privilege knowing you.

  98. Hope your offline life gives you all you wish. Farewell to a wonderful blog and blogger... for now.

  99. Good fortune on your journey.

  100. I have enjoyed so much visiting your wondeful blog, Ruth! You have always much talent and sensibility.
    I wish you all the best.
    Many Hugs and much Love,

  101. Jeanie, there is much consolation ending synch knowing you and I can get together! You have been a lush and beautiful friend here for a long time, and I cherish your support, and our friendship. It may be difficult to find a time to get together this summer before the wedding, but in the fall we could meet at the Red Haven with you and Rick for supper!

  102. rosaria, it has been a privilege knowing you here. I have learned from you, and ached with you this past year. All the best wishes to you, and thank you for yours.

    Bella, it's wonderful to see you, one of my long-standing friends in the blogs. Thank you for your farewell.

    M. Reka, many thanks.

    Sonia, oh you are so sweet and loving and wonderful. Thank you for such good connection over the years. Your photographs and sense of life is very lovely. Big hugs and lots of love to you, Sonia.

  103. Thank you so much Ruth for your kind and nice words to me.
    Big hugs and lots of love to you too, Ruth.

  104. Hope you are enjoying what may prove hiatus or departure. There's always another room in the dream. Mine has been fruitful. I don't know if I'll make much of a go in the online forum from here on, but it has been a genuine pleasure. As we don't own the dream but vice versa, so, I suspect, the poem. Best. Brendan.


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